
Well, it was also because we’re Canadian and not really prone to much in the way of racist language in general in modern times anyway, and he never, ever used the ‘n’ word (which I have never heard used in every day language in my life except on US TV), so the words he was using were pretty innocuous - it was just

When I took the "History of Fashion" course as part of my fashion marketing degree, I was absolutely fascinated at how little fashion changed overall between the beginning and end of most centuries (save for silhouette generally) and then how radically fashion changed between 1900 and 2000. Everything changed - no

There was a time when I had a tremendous amount of respect for Whoopi Goldberg and her “I’m gonna be me, you do you” attitude, but ever since her support for Mel Gibson and now her defence of Bill Cosby, I’ve lost whatever respect I once had for her. It’s hard when idols fall, but it’s also educational - no one

I would love to volunteer at a shelter, but I know myself. Having to leave any animal behind in a cage would be more than I could bear.

My Little Cat turns 20 next month. I know he won't live forever, but at this point, I'm optimistic. He too has the 5 am yowls and as aggravating as they are (he is a master of acoustics, and he's discovered that standing approximately two feet away from the corner of my bedroom, nearest my head or, alternately,

Once my mother turned 39, she stopped the clock. From that point on, she no longer had 'birthdays'. She insisted we celebrate the anniversary of her 39th. Worked for her.

My stepdad, who I loved dearly, used to embarrass me constantly in public with the 'which words am I allowed to use in public NOW?' conversation. Sometimes I thought he did it just to provoke me, except that he had a really kind heart and I've never heard him make a disparaging remark about anyone let alone someone

Did I mention that the guy she thought murdered the other guy for his room was German? Yeah, that added a WHOLE other element to the story - I wasn't even going to go there.

Ooooh, I so know that feeling. You can see it in their faces, you watch their eyes, you know what's coming and you know you can't stop it - you can only plan for the fallout after whatever unfiltered bombshell comes spewing from their mouths. It used to be the story of my life with both my great aunt and my stepdad -

Ha! That was totally my great aunt - except she accused the guy down the hall of murdering the former tenant of his room with poisoned chocolates! She lived on the top floor and they had million dollar views - she was sure the guy who moved up from a lower floor after the poor guy down the hall passed away had offed

She was pretty special - stubborn as hell, could dive you up the wall (especially when the dementia kicked in) - but I loved her to bits and I miss her more than I can say.

My great aunt said "the hell with appetizers and entrees" and would only eat hot fudge sundaes when I took her out for dinner. The last word she ever spoke to me was "Whoopee!" when I brought her the last thing she ever ate - a mocha frappucino.

I have always been utterly indifferent to Colin Farrell until this exact moment (I'll be in my bunk).

Well then. That solves the whole "downloading of original content - TV, movies, music, etc." problem. We should alert the mainstream media and the courts. I'm sure all other producers of original content will be thrilled that you've solved this dilemma.

He claimed it as his photograph - he knew he didn't take the original photograph - he lied. No amount of art-blather-pseudo-intellectual word vomit is going to change that. The only ones who would defend this appropriation of women's art for male personal gain are those with equally compromised ethics. End of.

I LOVED classic Degrassi!

We used to start taking about what we were having for the next meal - lunch or dinner. If we suspected a shoplifter, the person closest to the suspect would be asked if they wanted 'pizza' with a significant side eye. Hardly obvious at all - duh.

I would bet my life those are Jammie Dodgers without their tops on. I’d steal ‘em. Yum. *Edited because ‘ie’ not ‘y’ - just noted on package within arm’s reach (eats jammie dodger).

Just got back from Carmarthenshire on Thursday. Naturally brought back the Mighty Size Jammy Dodgers with me!

Yay for Topamax. That stuff is a godsend for migraine sufferers. If you have chronic migraines with aura and haven't tried it, get on it.