
For most of my life, I read the word ‘misled’ as one syllable, like the first syllable in ‘mistle/toe’ and never really thought about what the word meant, but in speaking, of course, I said ‘mis-led’, as appropriate. One day I had an epiphany, light-bulb moment and realized that ‘misled’ and ‘mis-led’ were the same

Sing it! I have that same situation and people think you're either crazy or making it up.

I know exactly where you mean! I'd love to go there!

Merci! St. Germain, c'est pour moi! 'Midnight in Paris' est mon film trés préféré!

I'm going to be in Britain for a university thing for most of June and I thought I'd extend my trip and spend a few days in Paris on my own. You sound like you might know a few things about Paris, I'm hoping? Where would you suggest would be the best place to stay for someone more arty/bookstore/vintage market like

Actually, we DO all grow at virtually the same rate - that's why birth specialists are so good at estimating due dates. Unless there is something wrong with the mother or the fetus (and abnormal growth rate is a HUGE factor in knowing when something is seriously wrong), human fetuses all progresses pretty much like

Please, share with us how you handled the disposal of your loved ones? I'm sure we're all waiting with bated breath to learn your 'better way'. Sky burial? Exposure in the desert? Do share.

Tamra’s only issue i that she’s a sociopath - there’s nothing ‘sad’ about that. When her eye’s narrow and you can see the hamsters begin to run in the wheels of her tiny brain, you just know chaos and evil are about to ensue. In the last OC season, it was interesting to watch as her new boy toy, I mean, husband,

I don’t know how many times I yelled at the TV this season “she’s acting that way because she’s an ADDICT!” She may have been a sober addict and using all the right ‘addict program speak”, but she was still displaying all the behaviours of an active addict - manipulating, deflecting, acting out.

No one needed to ‘out’ Kim Richards as an addict - she outed herself with her behaviour. And I’d make fun of anyone who tried to demonstrate their piety by publicly praying the way Kim did - Lisa V is very blunt and honest in a way that is quite refreshing in what is usually a group of Hollywood phonies. Or should I

Kim and Brandi share the same character trait: when they get into a confrontation, they don't know where the boundaries are. They don't know that there are lines a 'normal' person doesn't cross, and things that 'normal' people just don't say. For instance, Kim, because she's an addict, manipulates and deflects

Where I live we regularly have bald eagles flying over head and even though I've seen them dozens of times, I still stop and stare every.single.time. They are amazing and majestic and I don't know why everyone isn't in awe all the time. I totally get what you're saying.

Agreed. Something I used to say to the anti-choice protesters outside our local clinic every day for years. They hated me. I could live it.

Ummm ... yes. Yes. I can.

I had a co-worker who 'worked late' because she was totally in love with her boss and wanted 'alone time' with him. Took her a couple of years, but she eventually managed to have the affair she was after (not that he wasn't a willing participant, but there was absolutely no doubt that she was actively pursuing him).

30 years ago, Canada stopped using the word 'rape' (and also 'indecent assault') in its Criminal Code, in favour of the term 'sexual assault' in three levels. This was seen as a victory for victims and, in part, offering some small protection from those who seek the more salacious inferences of the word 'rape'.

THIS to all those people out there who claim that 'boys will be boys' and that 'normal guys' don't have a 'rapey' bone in their bodies. Face it, people. This girl was sexually harassed and assaulted by a bunch of pre-pubescent boys and the 'adults' in charge did NOTHING to stop them. Not only that, the person who

Were we somehow separated at birth? Because your dad sounds one helluva lot like my dad (and I have the therapy bills to prove it).

There is a surprisingly non-exploitive video online (I think from a Quebec film or television program) that portrays what the approximately 12:30 minutes that it took Marc Lepine to stalk, wound and kill all those women (and a few men who got in the way). It was produce directly from witness statements and it's clear