
You guys need to understand ... this happened in Alberta ... the Deep South of Canada. If there's any place in Canada that our rednecks would come from, it's Alberta. And they're damn proud of it. Sadly, it's also where our prime minister comes from. Don't judge the rest of us by these folks.

Thank you - all is not lost.

No, your arguments are illogical, which makes them silly, you are incapable of understanding why they are illogical and silly, so I patronize you.

It's called being 'patronized' and it's reserved for those who's arguments are so ridiculous and incoherent that it is impossible to take them seriously. Your last comment is a case in point. Have a nice life, Skippy.

You have devolved into incoherence. I'm done. Bye, Skippy.

"Analogy" - you keeping using this word, I do not think means what you think means. Uhh, sorry, Skippy, your points are actually proving my point. You don't understand your own analogies. Go back to your MRA mentors and ask them to explain their talking points again - you seem to be at the bottom of the class. (I'm

No. Rather than the pap you are trying to dish out here, I listen to your politicians and the people who actually live there. They sing a different tune. Kool Aid.

A friend of mine just posted a story and a photo from the NYT of Israeli civilians bringing lawn chairs and food to the high ground overlooking the areas of Gaza so they can watch the bombing from Israel into the occupied territories. I'm feeling pretty ragey at the moment.

Stop TARGETTING family homes holding ONE so-called 'terrorist' and MANY wives, children, mothers, fathers, sisters, cousins. Have I penetrated that thick skull of yours yet? Didn't think so. Because Israel has citizens - Gaza has "terrorists" and "targets", not human beings who bleed and die.

I don't know what site you've been reading, but no one here has advocated the extermination of any Jews. Not only is it an abomination to the thoughts of sane people everywhere ( as is genocide in general), but that is a road the western world will never walk down again willingly again for any people (unless of

There's no reasoning with you - just like there's no reasoning with hardliners on either side in the Middle East. Except the side your on has no qualms about murdering children in their beds and calling them 'human shields'.

Did you happen to read further downthread, where it was pointed out that the widely-disseminated translation of the 'kiddie hate' video was actually anti-Arab propaganda and that, although the child doesn't say anything nice about Jews, she isn't saying anything like the words that are being put into her mouth. Unless

Almost like the way the slaves hated the masters back in the pre-Civil War South.

You mean like the 'good' Indians who keep to where y'all herded 'em, or them 'bad' Indians who want to make like your grandpappy and be like those 'poor huddled masses yearning to be free'? Y'all should take that sign down - it's causing you a lot of embarrassment these days.

Also, please explain to me - why are the people shooting missiles into Israel (and not killing anyone) 'terrorists' and the people shooting (targetted) missiles into family homes in order to kill one person (and then killing entire innocent families) 'not' terrorists? What's the difference? Uniforms?

Somebody's been drinking the Kool Aid

Given the kill ratio of Palestinians (especially children) to Israelis, does this really surprise you?

The difference is, these 'fucking idiots' are going to be given guns and they are going to be permitted to aim them at the people they claim to wish to exterminate. Does it make sense to you now that there are those who are concerned?

As has been said repeatedly, there is a difference between being anti-Zion and being anti-Semitic. I have yet to read a single serious anti-Jewish comment on this board. Anti-state of Israel? Abso frickin' lutely. Some of them are mine. I've been anti-Zionist since I've been old enough to read the history of the

Thank you for pointing this out. The majority of Zionists don't seem to understand this.