Explain that to the Israeli government and the 'settlers' who have eaten the entire 'loaf' for the past 60 years. They don't seem to understand this 'half a loaf' concept of which you speak.
Explain that to the Israeli government and the 'settlers' who have eaten the entire 'loaf' for the past 60 years. They don't seem to understand this 'half a loaf' concept of which you speak.
Okay, Chuckie, let's try again. Step one: cursing is the lowest form of argument, so swearing at me in order to emphasis your point is not helping you here. Step two: Because I am speaking as a woman (probably older than you), my experience of how your brothers behave is much different than yours, same goes for the…
This is why it's so hard for women to get taken seriously about men behaving like this until it escalates into violence - 'you should be flattered" - "he's cute and he really likes you, don't be a bitch!". I've had really pretty friends all my life and sometimes I've been grateful that I was always just 'moderately…
Okay, so now that you've come out as a Red Piller, I know who I'm dealing with. Let me break this down for you once, then I'm out, since arguing with MRAs is liking arguing with a penguin, only not as cute. When a man approaches you and you politely decline his attention and he persists, in a woman, socialized to deal…
He already turned on her once when he was HOH and had a brief moment of clarity and realized she wasn't into him. He started calling her 'evil' and a bitch and saying he wanted her out of the house. Then the delusion fairy tapped him with his wand and he went back into his fantasyland so she was his Queen again (that…
Listen, rocket scientist. The problem with rapists is that THEY LOOK JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER MAN. If you guys could just figure out how to tattoo their foreheads or something, we women would not have to invent fake boyfriends or husbands, fake phone numbers, have to wash our hair every weekend, visit our grandparents…
I would be very worried about being alone with this guy. Ever.
Aaaaaand, your 'true colours' show themselves, as they were sure to do. "get off the goddamn cross" about cultural appropriation by whites? 'Whites as scapegoats'? And don't even get me started about young black artists getting screwed over by unscrupulous managers of many colours. Your first analogy is entirely…
She wasn't 'dressed up' as a white person. She put on a few pieces of representative clothing and picked up a hockey stick. Was she wearing a wig and white face powder? Was she mimicking the way those boys speak? No? Then I don't see this 'reverse racism' that you claim. And I'm a white Canadian woman. She was making…
What I loved about this is that the little girl obeyed immediately at the end when the mother told her to put the pieces in the trash and the hat in the laundry. Clearly the mother's methods work, because even after all the story, the little girl knew who was boss.
Translation: You didn't hear shouting or see spanking, so the child wasn't punished correctly. Got it. I saw a little girl with a loving mother who understood clearly that she had done something she shouldn't, understood the consequences, and obeyed her mother immediately when told to through the pieces of donut in…
And a one ...
I am now backing slowly away from the crazy ...
Damn, you got me. I'll go crawl back to my Dickens and Thackeray and leave you to your YA goddess. Wanker.
You so funneee - "Frozen Face"/"One Note Wonder", you pick.
Oooh, somebody has a hardon for Frozen Face!
My antipathy towards her has nothing to do with who she does - many years ago, I summoned the cares, showed them a couple of photos, ran a clip from the 'T' movie (not to be named) and they voted 'meh'. Now they refuse to assemble when KS is the topic. Ruined Balenciaga for me.
If it was anyone other than Kristen Stewart, I might actually generate a care.
I have owned cats for decades and rarely allow them outside. On those unusual occasions that they have been out and killed something, a dozen to one it's been a rat or a mouse over a bird. Your argument is with raptors, windmachines and brightly-lit billboards, not housecats.
I totally used to play this game with my cat Peek A Boo! He'd be right on the other side of the wall, just shaking with excitement and I'd jump around the corner - he'd freak and jump five feet in the air!