I can't even imagine how that poor dog's heart must be breaking. My friends and I have been tearing up just talking about him.
I can't even imagine how that poor dog's heart must be breaking. My friends and I have been tearing up just talking about him.
Second saddest thing I've seen this week is Gertjie needing snuggles. First saddest? The police dog sniffing the stetson and then whining next to the casket of his K-9 handler, gunned down in Moncton, NB this week. We can explain the behaviour of lunatics and sociopaths to people, even children, but who explains it to…
My Little Cat is 18 (19 in Aug). You'd never know it. Despite sleeping a lot, he eats heartily (and lets us know loudly when he's hungry), drinks his fill, takes the air on nice days, and all-round lives a pretty nice life. He is also spoiled and demanding, and seems to know that as a senior cat who may kick off at…
Speed of ball: 95 mph
I'd love to be all tea and sympathy for the dog but straight up, the dog was totally unprovoked, heard the kid, ran over, yanked him off his bike and bit the crap out of him. God only knows how much worse it would have been if not for SuperCat Tara. I hate to say anything bad about any animal, but that dog is clearly…
Someone on the last season of Masterchef cooked actual filet of beaver tail as his 'entry dish'. He made it to the MC kitchen but I think he was out in the first round.
Although ... if you'd ever read Dave Barry's column, which is hilariously funny, about lobsters being the cockroaches of the sea, you'd probably never eat one again (despite the fact that they are infinitely delicious).
Upvote x 1000000
The whole situation reminds me of the interview last year with one of those hard-line politicians, when he was asked what he thought went through the mind of a woman contemplating having an abortion. He couldn't answer the question - in fact, he was dumbfounded, because he had never, ever stopped to think about the…
It was hell. But having gone through that experience with her, it infuriates me when politicians and right wing talking heads throw around that expression "late term abortion" because they don't know what they are talking about. No one in that situation ever wants to be there - it's an absolute medical necessity that…
I am so sick of people like Laura Ingraham bringing up 'late term abortion' in any context. I had a dear friend who had to go through the agony of knowing her child had a fatal birth defect that was not only going to cause her baby unspeakable agony just in the process of being born, but would cause the baby to die…
I don't know about the girls in Vancouver, WA. I just know that us girls in Vancouver, BC have a baaaaad reputation for being stuck up. Undeserved, of course. ;)
Nah, us chicks in Vancouver are the WORST. Look it up.
For every one of these stories I was thinking "doesn't beat seeing a guy getting beheaded on a Greyhound ..." - must be a Canadian thing.
I love Kate McKinnon, but this bit sucked.
This was the only funny bit in the whole show. And this guy totally would have been a shoe-in at my high school.
The bottom line was, he was never honest with Terri Garr's character. He kept her around 'just in case', while he deceived and chased Jessica Lange's character. He knew how she felt and he exploited it. It was a total anti-woman movie. There was nothing 'romantic' about it.
Wow. Aren't you the coolest, gothest kid in class today.
I hated "Tootsie" soooo much. It was supposed to be such a 'female-positive' and 'feminist' movie at the time, but it was actually the complete opposite. At its essence, it was the story about a schmuck who had a lovely, ordinary girlfriend (the fabulous Terri Garr), who falls for a prettier woman(Jessica Lange) he…
Or maybe: You think elderly people aren't capable of making their own decisions and are objectifying this woman. Perhaps you don't understand that she also would like to leave a record of herself for her family to enjoy after she's gone. Maybe, because she is 80 years old and has lost people already, she knows how…