
That doesn't make it a good thing. Doctors need to be more unbiased when recommending medication. If you have a patient that has a legitimate need for medication, then it's the doctors job to know the different options and recommend the one that is best, not the one he/she is being paid to recommend.

Okay I officially love these two.

Oh yes, my mom was really into puffy painting. I wish I still had the old green Christmas sweater that had a GIANT teddy bear holding a present, so very carefully outlined in puffy paint. My mom spent hours making that for me.

I have a good friend who found out her boyfriend of a year and a half was cheating on her for the entire time. She still hangs out with him (but she's seeing other people, so maybe they aren't dating?)

Yes! Mac and Cheese with 3 types of cheese and truffle oil. There was this one place I went to all the time that had that on their menu, and I almost cried when it got taken off.

My husband lived with his grandmother during the early years we were dating. Free rent and utilities. But he also did the laundry, hung out with her, made sure she wasn't living in a big house all by herself. He would cook sometimes (when she let him).

I really miss being part of the Wellesley Scream Tunnel. It was always so much fun, and I loved cheering on the runners.

Religion isn't genetic. Punnet squares don't prove shit. According to Jewish traditions, it is passed down by the maternal side. Meaning if your mother was Jewish and your father wasn't, most rabbis will consider you Jewish, but if your father was Jewish and your mother was not, then most rabbis will not consider

Are you my clone? Also a cute science nerd who loves her bacon and married a lapsed catholic gentile. His grandmother served me pork the first time we met and then was all worried about if I could eat it. It was delicious!

That happened to me once (I was the woman in just the sports bra). In my defense, I went to an all woman's college, so it was really common for most people to work out in just sports bras and I didn't know it was thing that was looked down on. And the gym didn't have a policy, it was just the small gym room in my

My Jurassic Park story: My mom was notorious for only getting to the movies just before the opening credits because she hated previews. So we were usually either just barely on time for the movie, or missing the first 5-10 minutes. But she was so excited for Jurassic Park that we got to the theater 2 HOURS ahead on

Most people remember LJ Smith from the Vampire Diaries series, but I LOVED his Forbidden Game series. I still have them and reread them all the time.

Your uncle should write a book.

See I think even a suspension for a one time offense like that is an overreaction (and how do suspensions work in college anyway?) I think the reasonable response would be to contact the professor of the class she was in and ask that professor to either talk to the class as a whole, or take this student aside, and

The comments in this post is seriously depressing me. Because apparently it's too much to ask to not be violently attacked at college. Instead some people need to make sure we all understand that it's bad to body slam someone, but HOW DARE YOU SWEAR AT YOUR PROFESSOR? That's so rude and unacceptable! And she

Can I ask how hard it was for you to switch? My dad is a huge addict for smoking, and although I would prefer for him to stop smoking completely, realistically speaking that's not likely to happen. But I'm expecting my first kid in August, and although I really want my dad to spend time with his grandson, I also

For me it's Heather's all the way. I liked Clueless, but I didn't watch it compulsively like I did with Heather's. I had a Heather's poster hanging in my room all through high school and in every college dorm room (and I still have it, but it's pretty beat up now and I'm pretending to be an adult so no more movie

My boss is like that as well. We usually have our lab meeting in the same room as the weekly seminar and he gets so happy when there are still seminar cookies left that we can eat during our meeting.

That's me and my friends/co-workers as well, but then there are certain stereotypes about grad students that are true...

That was amazing!