
I got married during the second year of my PhD. I know it's hard, and you'll be living off of a shitty stipend and be stressed out. But take it all one step at a time. Food for my wedding was the major expense, I think the catering was close to 30-40% of my budget, but I picked a venue where I could bring in my

That's exactly what my husband and I did for our wedding. We didn't want a cash bar but couldn't afford a full bar with liquors. So we picked out a red, white and sparkling and made sure to get enough bottles. Then we picked out a couple beers to have as well. There was plenty of alcohol, for a fraction of the

Gifts are not mandatory. I say this as someone who has been married and planned their wedding. I never expected presents from everyone. I just wanted my friends and family to celebrate an important occasion with me.

It's near the olive oil. You can actually cook with it as well.

I kind of like the frosty one as well. Mostly because I could make my own pretty easily, just need a white dress, some fish nets (check), little bow tie and top hat and 3 black fuzzy pompoms.

Maybe she thought at the beginning of the night that she wanted to and than changed her mind. It's possible that after getting down to the underwear stage that things were moving too fast, or she wasn't feeling well, or was now too tired or too drunk or too full and just wanted to make out.

When I was in second grade it became the "thing" to have lots of best friends. But then it became hard to stop. So suddenly all the girls in my class were my "best" friends. Which meant that the girls I was closest to wanted to be my "best-best" friend. And then that got out of control. So then everyone was

It's assumed that women are naturally more nurturing. It stems from the same place that believes teaching and nursing are women's jobs, but being a doctor or a professor are men's jobs.

Hee, yeah. And my husband is very tolerant of my cruising through crowds.

I remember going on a date with a guy back when I was in college. This was the second date and we were in the Prudential Center in Boston. We were walking and suddenly got trapped behind a group of slow walkers. I was annoyed and looked over at my date. He had this goofy smile on his face, slowly reached over and

I had the same worries. I decided I wanted to get a pixie cut and made the mistake of telling my mom. She means well but she did try to talk me out of it and put all these doubts in my head. So when I went to get my hair cut I wasn't sure anymore and decided on a short chin length bob. And I HATED it! I tried for

I had a pixie cut for about a year and loved it! My grandmother told me I looked like a boy, but whatever. My Grandmother-in-law loved my pixie! And it was sooo easy in the morning because it dried in about 10 minutes. And I got some wax stuff that I put in it to make it a little spiky.

Actually you misread what I wrote. She worked a full time job, as in 40 hours a week in an office. THEN she went home, made dinner and did all the housework. So she had the full stress of a job that the men have, as well as the stress of the home.

I agree. Seeing divorce as it happens can be scary, and for kids who associate so strongly with the characters, it may be very difficult. But showing a character whose parents are already divorced and has come to terms with it is a gentler way to show that divorce isn't all bad, and makes it more normal, because it

My husbands grandmother didn't make it to be a centenarian but she did make it to 92, and worked every day up as well as keeping the house clean and cooking dinner every night. She was still working ~20 hours a week 6 months before she died.

My husband and I decided that we are going to start a new annual christmas tradition of watching a Bruce Willis movie every year for christmas. Last year was Die Harder. This year will be Die Hard with a Vengeance.

I'm not a physicist but I've always loved Connie Willis's books for time travel.

There really was almost no science at all. And honestly, if I hadn't been told that it was a video about making science accessible to girls, I would have thought it was an ad for either makeup or clothing. Like some kind of Target ad or something. When ever the focus was on the women in the ad, they were just

I was at a wedding last spring and met a young woman who was deaf. We sat at the same table, right next to each other, so we talked quite a bit. She was with her partner who could hear, so her partner translated in the beginning. But I think the woman I was talking to could read lips, because we managed on our own

Man, I wish I could explain things this well. You rock.