
Oh man, where do you go to look up that information? Because I don't like Chick-filA but I LOVE Popeyes!

Even after having watched no Mr. Wizard, and only seeing these clips, I agree with you. He seems like a loveable grump. And those things weren't that mean (unless telling a kid he's wrong is mean).

Yeah, I missed that my first read through (why I should not read io9 at work when I'm supposed to be...working). Sorry!

Ahh, oops. I skimmed...sorry!

I met this guy who I think was in his 50-60s who insisted that the only good music came from the 1950-1960 era, and everything since has been crap. And same goes for tv shows. He was not the kind of person you could have a conversation with.

Really? I hadn't heard about a new adult novel, do you remember the name? I heard about the new Sandman prequel which I'm excited about.

I'm glad he's got more books coming out. But I really would love to see him write another adult novel. I read through his young adult novels too quickly. And there comes a point where an adult with no young children can own *too* many picture books.

I love Tagalongs best too, and I also hate Samoas (I don't like coconut shavings in most things).

That was what I thought, but since MoRex has been all over this post correcting people, I was hoping they could give a citation. Seems not.

I loved Farscape. And Babylon 5 (the first season is weak in regards to acting, but gets sooo much better; season 4 is amazing).

Can you point me to a reference that says only cats bred in the Hemingway House get to be called Hemingway cats? Because I can't find any.

Most of the advice that people give women to make them "less rape-able" are related to rape and sexual harassment from strangers. But the majority of rape is from people the women know, non-stranger rape, for which all that advice is not applicable. You can follow all the advice in the world and still be harassed

For me it's the lack of female role models in the upper levels. I've seen and worked with some amazing hard working female lab managers, technicians and post-docs. But out of the 57 preceptors in my program, only 12 are women. And although my graduate program has a lot of women accepted (>50%) and who graduate, of

Splice made me laugh so hard with their made up science. I really hated that movie though.

I love these guys! The Engineer's guide to cats!

That motherly companion mouse? Elvis had sex with. When I worked with mice, if I left a male too long in the same cage as his mother? The mother ended up pregnant again.

I shall call him squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my squishy.

I'm really lucky in that I think I might have that. We don't currently have children, but intend to start in a year or so. But my husband is also extremely supportive of my career, and has always tried to help me along my path. And we've talked about it, and he understands that because of my demanding schedule,

I had a crush on both Riker and Geordi!

I have the same fear. I know my grandfather had a good IQ, and that all his kids were within a 5 point range of each other and 10 point range of him. I don't know what my brother's IQ is, but I think it's close. And I'm getting my PhD, so I worry that if I took the test and didn't get as high then my family will