
To add to this, I really liked Garth Nix's other series, the Keys to the Kingdom series. Nix has a lot of book set at different age ranges (the Seventh Tower series is potentially a little young but also a possibility)

I learned cursive around age 8, and for 4+ years after my handwriting was terrible because I was made to write in cursive for everything and no amount of practice made it better. I was relieved when the ban on printing was lifted. Even now my handwriting is pretty bad. It's not a reflection at all on my teachers,

He makes me cringe too but I think that's because I still associate him with Freaks and Geeks, and his character in that show always weird-ed me out.

This was how my grandmother-in-law was. Sugar and sweets and wine or margarita's for dinner. And she also continued to work ~30 hours a week until she was 91. She passed away recently, but I just remember her as this strong, classy lady who knew what she wanted. And my husband has commented that I'm too much like

Eh, my county had been doing this for decades. Each city would pick either the Friday or Saturday before Halloween for their trick-or-treating day and that's when the kids went out in costumes. I think it's a fine plan, mostly because if you worked it right and had friends in other cities you could go out twice and

My family is the opposite: my brother and I "compete" for being our mom's favorite, while she maintains that she loves us equally. It's a fun joke. One year I took my mom out for lunch for mother's day, then immediately called my brother to let him know that I was now the favorite. So in return he one-upped me by

What did someone mention black dogs? This beautiful 5 year old boy was adopted last January. He's a but nutso, but lovable :)

I remember in 6th grade my homeroom teacher started reading us "The Lottery Rose" which includes horrible child abuse and death and grieving. It was tough to listen to, but the story was so beautiful that the entire class was hooked on it. Sad and scary are sometimes still amazing, and I think we should give kids

I love shopping at IKEA because they have rooms all set up and you can see how different components work together. Also they used to (and are bringing back) their small apartments set ups, where they set up an entire apartment in <600 sq ft. Since I have a small house, I like seeing how they put things together and

they didn't hurt when I used them, but they also seem to speed up the healing process, so my blister was already smaller before I took the first one off. I did leave it on for 2 days. And my blister never popped, it just healed, which was a first for me. I love these.

The air of semi-perfection maybe?

My husband made one of my engagement rings, but it doesn't have a stone. What it does have is a DNA double helix engraved on the top, which makes it the most amazing ring ever (if you are a biology/genetics geek like me). We did go together to pick out a more traditional ring, but that one is an emerald (and I think

Yeah I wish I could get rid of the "cute" description. I want to be "gorgeous" and "beautiful" but all I get is adorable. And sometimes I get people who think that pretending that I'm an arm rest is funny. Having someone's armpit right in my face is NOT funny.

That video was beautiful. I love how excited he is by the whole concept.

Another Seven Sisters alumna here. I loved my college, and I loved the atmosphere. The few times a guy was allowed to attend as a full time student (only for a semester) they caused a lot of problems. I don't mind the who took classes at my college (we had a cross college registration with a number of nearby co-ed

What if you have a crush from every category? Also I preferred Geordie LaForge to Data personally. I loved his visor!

Thank you Isoperla! Not everyone goes to grad school right out of undergrad. So that means that I will be getting my PhD sometime around my 31st birthday, and then I will have a 2-3 year post-doc that could send me all over the country (possibly abroad but for my discipline going abroad isn't necessary). And there

The current classes are often dominated by women (when I started my PhD there were 16 other students - 14 women). But the upper tiers are often still filled with men. And academic professors don't retire at 62-65, so tenured professor positions aren't readily available to the groups of women graduating with their

One of my good friends is getting his PhD in genetics. He's very smart and he swears a lot. Maybe you shouldn't make assumptions about people?