I dig neolithic chinese symbolism!
I dig neolithic chinese symbolism!
I expected Zelda to take it, but I’m genuinely happy that Nier won best music.
Glad to hear Evolve is getting a second life!
In February 2015, Kotaku composer Jason Schreier wrote 12 Successful Kickstarters That Never Delivered. Two and a half years later—and stop me if you’ve heard this one before—that story’s update is nowhere to be found.
Goddamn it, Ethan! Bowser is in this game? I’ve been spoiled for eternity. Looks like I’m going to fire my copy of the game into the sun now that you ruined it for me.
Moon Hunters, out this week for Switch, is a short, fun game about creating your own mythology.
the witcher 3 is not trash.
Thanks to a panel-wide misunderstanding of Asian geography and some nimble betting work, he won.
10 years. 1 decade. 1/10th of a century. That’s how long the sad nerdgins have been sucking off “Lord GabeN” and finding some way to squeak, “HALF-LIFE 3 CONFIRMED!” into every damn Reddit post, appropos of nothing, completely forgiving the fact that the corpulent fat fucking liar, Gabe Newell, hasn’t even bothered to…
But... I Hanjo.
blindfolded, with the guitar hero controller, on b&w CRT tv, without turning on the game even once.
*taking notes*
You know you’ve been at Kotaku too long when you look at your own article and have absolutely no recollection of writing it.
No no, he also offers up the following, which is also true:
That Ganon is perfect. Just perfect
I mean, a lot of people involved in fandom define their thing as trash, so that’s a pretty normal thing.
Age of Empires is finally back. After twelve long years, Microsoft has finally decided to resurrect one of gaming’s…
Hiveswap: Act 1, the long awaited Homestuck game, releases on September 14th. It also finally has a trailer, which, unsurprisingly, features great music and slick animation.