
Oh sure, they put effort into this Netflix Lego adaptation

The disaster is terrible and all that, but i really love that nature just says “fuck that shit, its mine now”and reclaims it.

Bring a shirt with all the competitors names listed on it. Cross them off one by one as they fall. Will intimidate your next opponent.

RIP CoolGamesInc. My absolute favorite podcast.

Everyone knows you can only trust even number savages...

Come play with me, my lord.

Stick and stones may break my bones, but words have a 15% chance of a critical hit.

“Link’s Best Breath Of The Wild Outfits Are The Simplest”

It’s no wonder that Miyamoto started playing Zelda and just began climbing trees.

Hey, you’re cool and you’re going to do great things.

And Jim Sterling did cry tears of joy on this day.

...And no one pushes the payload.

MABA: Make America Bane Again

To simulate the thrill of permadeath from traditional Fire Emblem, I’m just going to smash my phone every time one of my characters dies.

Nintendo should have produced more bottled water to meet high demands.

“appears to have created multiple Steam accounts to post a positive review for their own game,” “Art of Stealth

Overwatch players? Salty?

Please note the timestamp on this post. This event took place on Dec. 20, 2010.