Somewhere, Gerry Adams feels warm and fuzzy.
Somewhere, Gerry Adams feels warm and fuzzy.
WW2 still has major impact on people and economy. That's a fact. Go preach to other uneducated masses.…
Also, I would not open your mouth about Soviet 'hordes' in WW2, that was fighting with no gear under extreme conditions and how they treated people.
Especially when geneva…
Yes, we're ever so much smarter than the Russians. How big is their deficit?
U.S put their nose in their conflict. Not the other way around.
Putin will crush you and you will never be 1/2 of the man he is. Ever. Face that. Also maybe U.S should have went in to fight Germany first instead of waiting around, that way you would be crying about U.S economy in Russian language, asking for handouts…
I think it's simpler than that. Virgin birth of a male hero firmly establishes divine paternity. It's not only distancing the hero from female sexuality, it's distancing him from ordinary humans. The hero is not just a hero, but a demi-god. He is not only a hero by skill, luck, and adventurousness, but by divine…
He's basically saying that they earned the money, that's well and good, but flaunting the wealth, like buying a huge house with all the trimmings, is bad.
I'm all for enjoying what you earned. But something I get sickened by the excess of the rich. Just... ugh fuck em.
An interesting book that I feel applies to this analysis is "Society Must Be Defended!" by French philosopher and historian Michel Foucault. In this book, compiled from a series of lectures he gave, he begins by asking himself what insights might be gained from an inversion of the famous Clausewitz aphorism, "politics…
We don't trust the system will work for us. We work as hard as we can not to get fucked by the system.
Cops killing with impunity is a feature of our criminal justice system, not a bug. This is what it was designed to do.
Except his killers were charged & indicted, and at trial they'll go away for decades if not be put to death. Unlike these killer cops who straight up walked, usually without a trial. You ignorant dumbass. Think for 2 seconds.
Today's announcement doesn't just leave me speechless. It truly makes me wonder how any person with dark skin can live in this country and trust that the systems and institutions that make it so great will work for them. Then you sum it up far too pointedly.
Wow, 26 years old. Is it weird making jokes about someone you never saw play? Seriously, the ball off the head, 40/40, upper deck in the Sky Dome, etc. I mean, you weren't even 5. Even "Juiced" came out when you were only 16.
Interesting point. I think the thinking should be more along the lines of how victimless the crime the perpetuator committed.
Because imprisoning black people for fun and profit is basically a national pastime.
It's all about the $$$
I was coming here to say this. The whole point of prison is to keep violent and highly manipulative people away from society. But in the US it more like a storage house for black guys who happened to annoy a cop once.
There are women who probably need to be in jail? Are they in jail? Are the women who are in jail the…
I don't really see why the focus has to be on women here; just non-violent offenders in general.
"I didn't want to be birthing a breech baby at home alone with my 2 year old."