Is it really a hard ROI if all this tech is being used to fight people whose most advanced weapon is a Toyota Hilux?
Is it really a hard ROI if all this tech is being used to fight people whose most advanced weapon is a Toyota Hilux?
The mental disconnect for any parent to beat his child is amazing.
The mental disconnect necessary for a black man to justify the whipping of someone unable to defend themselves is fascinating.
The general approach to the Presidents vehicles seems to be to over do everything. They have a 747 where a 777 would have sufficed and they started using massive-stretch-sized limos when a simple elongated 4 door without a middle section would be better.
Spoken like a true communist police state loving hypocrite. Are you a cop? Wish you were? Have fantasies of kicking in doors and getting your man?
Your comment only proves one thing; you're a fascist.
I can't believe I'm saying it, because they all certainly deserved tickets, but with the road all to themselves, who…
Don't hate, congratulate.
These weapons are about as scary as a WWII V2 rocket.
Sounds like the “good” rebels are likely to fall to ISIS soon. Once the war becomes the Syrian government against ISIS what side will we fall on? Will we still decry the use of missles or join in to help? Difficult decisions are ahead...
Where is the confirmation that this was fired by Syrian forces and not ISIS? Assad and his Syria are the 'good' guys in all this. From the beginning of the war they have used pretty light handed responses only really increasing the firepower used as their enemies grew more powerful. They didn't start using serious…
If it wasn't for US, none of this would be happening, so thanks guys for fuelling terrorism and than making yourselves look like you care....hilarious
They are firing them at ISIS, or ISIL, or whatever they are called this week. ISIS are not their own people. They are the same pieces of stone-age human shit that are committing atrocities and genocide, killing Christians and other Muslims of different sects in Syria and Iraq. A great many of them aren't even from…
As for ISIL I hope a F/A-18 sends them there.
O say can you see by the dawn's early light,
Um, sorry, not our boy in the White House giving away SWAT and Military gear for pennies on the dollar. Not our boy running the NSA surveillance net. Nope. Your President, you own that shit.
First the militarized police came for Occupy Wall Street, and I did not speak out, because I was not OWS protester
Send in the National Guard to restore order. It's been done before. It's ridiculous that he hasn't even released a statement though.
Ok first of all, caveat, I do NOT approve of what happened at the Bundy ranch in Nevada.
I have to take a step away from this because I'm beyond angry, sad and sickened that an entire community has been turned into a war zone with no accountability and a civilian police force using weapons of war against American citizens. How is this happening? And where the FUCKING HELL is our president?!?
So, conservatives, this is an ACTUAL example of the Bill of Rights being trampled on. Freedom of the Press? That's a pretty big one. This is horrifying.
What. The. Fuck. is a civilian police force doing with battlefield weapons? I know how it happened: defense industry lobbyists. My question is who on earth thinks arming and equipping peacekeepers with this type of gear will result in anything less that the full spectrum chaos that Ferguson has descended into?