The President and his motorcade are total BS, every time he lands in the SF Bay Area he doesn’t during commute hours and shuts down freeways...if he really is for working people he should think about where and when he travels.
The President and his motorcade are total BS, every time he lands in the SF Bay Area he doesn’t during commute hours and shuts down freeways...if he really is for working people he should think about where and when he travels.
I can’t believe that we have invented YET another thing African Americans can’t do without being found threatening. Do not clench or raise your fist. That is proof of your partisan activity and you will be punished accordingly! What in the..??? Ironically, this is WHY we need SOCIAL activism like BLM, by the way BLM…
The key word there is “partisan” political activity. Is solidarity in itself partisan? Is belief in equality partisan?
yes real live nazis , not like the creepy fucks that haven taken over this country and 99% of its media, the goose stepping kind that traffic in people and weapons
autocrat really? while nato installs actual real life nazis in easter europe, you msm sycophant hacks are pathetic and supremely dangerous
Are we certain this isn’t Russian “humor”
Russia moves 4 planes on another continent. Americas panties twist a little tighter.
Syria is the gateway between Europe and the Middle East when it comes to oil and gas.
What the —? There are no ‘moderate’ rebels in Syria. Do you really think ISIS just popped up and magically appeared with enough manpower, firepower and materiel to drive the Iraqi army out of Mosul? Do you think a force that large could go anywhere without U.S. satellites and drones picking them up?
Crazy idea .
The hypocrisy really gets to me.US invades 2 sovereign states,1 of which was against international law,actively destabilized another,funds terrorists across the middle east with a total death toll in the millions.All in the past 14 years.Russia seized its own territory (don’t forget it was gifted it Ukraine, it was…
I have a hard time figuring out why Russia would want to remove Assad. He has been a loyal ally to Russia pretty much since the beginning. The only reason they sell him out is to buy points with the US.
USA is trying to get rid of Assad by any means possible, even using false excuses, just like it did with Saddam a decade ago in Iraq. The White House is now worried because somebody with a pair of balls is actually opposing their lunatic idea this time. I can’t believe the USA is so hypocritical that even after its…
Kerry is a super hypocrite, like the rest of American politicians on the Syrian war issue. Just read what he said:
We have and still do support regimes far worse than Assad. We just can’t admit that demanding his ouster was a huge mistake.
U.S. wants to get rid of Assad, U.S. wants to get rid of ISIS. Wait a sec. You can’t just get rid of everyone who is going to take control than? The truth is U.S. actually created ISIS to kick off Assad. Ask the refuges what are they running from. They are running from airstrikes and ISIS. If U.S. really wanted to…
Why is the US more concerned about Russia than Isis? Why is Kerry more concerned about removing Asad than Isis? The US needs to get the hell out.
That’s what got me - they’re not arguing the sperm bank made a mistake, which they did, but that their baby is defective because it’s mixed race, which is so appallingly wrong!!
It came out too dark! Breakfast is RUINED!