
The police department that shot Tamir Rice has a problem with black players protesting police violence/discrimination. Natch.

Asking Trey Parker to be self-aware is like asking a horse to ride a skateboard. Neither will succeed and you’ll feel embarrassed for watching.

Osweiler certainly has what it takes to be a QB on an NFL roster. He’s so tall that even if he knelt for the National Anthem, most fans would think he was still standing up.

I thought the New England Patriots win the NFL’s jayvee division every year.

Jay Peterman, world famous seller of clothes and the best the Jets could scrape together to play QB. They were also going to make history by bringing in Elaine Benes to play wide receiver but she refused to take off an Orioles hat to put on the helmet so they had to cut her.

He wouldn’t be successful, but no doubt he’d be a star. If only because it would be a spectacle.

“This is fine.”

Counterpoint: signing somebody like Andrew Wiggins and his super-replaceable 23 points a game and horrible defense to a max contract and getting nothing more than what he’s been giving so far is exactly how a team ends up saddled into mediocrity. So yeah, the Timberwolves would want him to get better. I say that as a

hell yeah......that’s why i watch sportscenter......standings...i fuckin love to wait 20 minutes to see a static image of something i can also find by googling “baswba;; standibgs” while on the treadmill without breaking stride

I mean, on NFL Mondays, you will see every highlights from every game played on Sunday. Every one.

Look, I didn’t fuck that sheep.

Wyoming; where the men are men, and the sheep are scared.

I’m not a big NFL fan or anything, but IMHO, anyone who is old enough to have dodged the draft and can still be competitive at professional sports deserves at least some kind of respect.

You trying to jam Kaep? I’m taking all you crooked cops down.

Consider if you put him in camp and he does nothing but throw interceptions. Can you cut him? Can you declare he’s the third string backup? Can you do so without having to address unending accusations that there’s really a political motivation? Better to not let him come in to camp and try out, just sign him when the

A little rough around the edges:

Shit, I just read a whole article about a guy watching a whole preseason NFL game. Knowing full well the whole time that this was the topic of the article. What the hell.

You just know he has Takes about those lazy schoolteachers, too.

And I liked that the RAF was flying in 3-plane groups, which they did at the beginning of the war before learning the hard way to adapt the 2-plane flight. The technical aspects of the film were just fine. The fact Hardy wasn’t very good at deflection shooting shows the inexperience of the pilots at the beginning.

1. The movie literally says the plane sequence is only one hour via a title card.