I’ll be in Seattle next month. I expect that exact sentiment.
I’ll be in Seattle next month. I expect that exact sentiment.
This is just a protest of the corporatization of craft beer and AB-InBev buying up independent breweries.
I’m gonna wait for the Xbox One X Two X Xbox.
Don’t let the incompetent officiating distract you from the fact that LeBron James did a self alley-oop in an NBA Finals elimination game.
The hook of a hook is simple
LeBron has no one to blame except himself. He’s a terrible coach and GM.
“Flat Earther Does Something Dumb.”
*Looks at headline*
But are you really ready for some football?
It’s like the 90s all over again!
Yeah I prefer it when they wipe the floor with the Clippers.
Nice. Floor sweep truther. Need something to make this series exciting.
I’m a little disappointed that I had to come all the way to the greys to find a highlight truther.
It doesn’t.
Don’t ask how hotdogs get made...
Also: Trump’s dad on the day he gave him his $14 million “loan.”
“fell asleep”
she’s either the smartest or dumbest player on the team.