
I feel that this was out of character even for Superman. Especially when you realize that in Kingdom Come the Joker did the exact same thing and Supes didn’t kill him. An Anti-Hero and parody of Marvel’s Cable called Magog did that.

People who voted for Trump should be fucked with spurs.

“more than half of us”

Ray Allen should just keep not saying shit to these clowns like he has been all this time, because he’s coming out way in front in this petty squabble. “Better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt,” and all that.

From Kendrick Perkins:

This is a segment from last night’s NBA broadcast on TNT, in which Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce, Glen Davis, and Rajon Rondo lay out why they are still angry at Allen, all these years later.

I hope that’s sarcasm because the CG stuff still looks awful. The fact that he has real spits is amazing. The only flying 109 I’ve seen is out in Seattle at the Flying Heritage collection so I doubt it would be easy to source a real German one.

I guess my only real comment is that he shouldn’t blame Garrett for the play with 4 seconds left. He’s the head coach and he either failed to communicate his wishes, he misplaced his trust or he failed to train his subordinate in the way that he would wish the game to be managed. Either way, the buck stops with him

Wade, you seem like the kind of guy that would know the answer to this, been struggling with it for a while now.

“Well, the truth of the matter is, I don’t report to a Commissioner. I report to a committee. Some of whom are appointed, some elected, and the rest co-opted on a bi-annual basis. It’s a quorum, so to speak.” 

“Was it too much with the ethnic slurs?”
“No, but it’s not Pie zaaan, it’s Pie zahn.”

All major cities in America have serious racism issues, but Boston is the New York Yankees of racist cities.

(Red Sox fans turn on Red Sox management as race traitors, set fire to 1970s school bus they had stored in a warehouse for just such an occasion in protest)

Rarely do you see such an overwhelming physical presence paired with such a juvenile, petty, and ineffectual emotional one. He would make a great inspiration for one of those ‘kid gets morphed into an adult due to magic/quirk/time travel/horrific accident’ movies if he was just a bit/infinitely more pleasant.

I totally care...that this shit is worthy of keystrokes.

I’d prefer if you played a game that required any measure of skill or timing.

Came here to say this.

Only semi-relevant, but: “So I Married An Ax Murderer” is the most underrated comedy of all time.

It will end just with the oil.