
Might as well send George to the Lakers now.

So does this mean we are done with Carmelo the brand? Because I’d really like to see Carmelo the basketball player again.

Yup - they are washing their hands of the Ball family. Best case scenario is the end up with Josh Jackson. Worst case is they get the 3rd pick and Ball is still there.

You’re a Suns fan. You should always feel shame and embarrassment.

They moving to Seattle?

If it means Lakers won’t be drafting Lonzo Ball, fucking win away boys. I’d sacrifice three first rounders to ensure we don’t get Ball.

Did they get him the smallest vest they could find? LOL...

As a St. Louisan, I am embarrassed that our city didn’t step up and vote yes. This is the world we live in. You can rail all you want against public funding for private purposes like stadiums, but where’s the outcry against things like TIF? Public funding exists for private purposes in other ways, and for our city to

Bernie didn’t run a pro-PP ad during football season. HC couldn’t shake the snotty elitist role (against a fuckin NY millionaire who wants his house to be gold plated no less!) and that is on her.

He’s in the damn Eastern Conference. If the name across the jersey doesn’t say Cleveland or Cavs, just take the glory that will be piled on you by contrarian sportswriters and talk show hosts (“LeBron won the title and is the league and Finals MVP, but I’d take Lowery/IT/John Wall over him any day of the week!” - guy

Totally appropriate. But I’d rather have this then the moral posturing & phony hubris that come along with the baseball and football HOF.

You think you are confused? Imagine how a gay man who was adopted at birth by two gay men, married a man, then adopted a boy feels. He’s a son, a father, and a husband, but not to any member of the female gender. That guy must think talking about rape is a total waste of time!

Has he used the “As a father to x-amount of daughters” line yet?

I’m right there with you. I’ve either passed out or almost passed out every time.

George Karl was the best thing that ever happened to Melo. They deserved each other.

The US/Russia team up in Syria was a nice pipe dream, but never would have worked. They are two much like us, looking for their share of the pie if they are going to intervene in any world affairs. Trump is still looking for his Iraqi oil check.

He must think he is an NCAA men’s basketball coach.

Oh my!

Is Leyland making with the snark? I don’t know the guy’s history but it comes off as snark.

Hey! Whatsamattayouhuh?