
I know I should fill in a LOT more detail, but there have been a handful of them ...

Dec 95 to Jan 96: Four college freshmen and a sophomore drove from Chicago to Pasadena to see Northwestern v USC in the Rose Bowl. We found the Flying J in Tucumcari NM at which the sign proclaimed “Gas skips will be PERSECUTED”. Two

Yep, I’ll second (third? fourth?) the Scope Creep.

If you find something that makes it obvious that the project is going to fail miserably, stop now. If not, fix the thing you set out to fix and see where you’re at. If you need to stop midstream and re-eval, do so. Never ever ever be afraid to pull the plug. Whatever

Dude ...
Flamin’ Hot Cheeto PUFFS

If you’re driving through Milwaukee and parts south (to Illinois), I want to know when we’re going to have a Jalop meet-up for beer and cheese (on either side of the border).

Fun fact: a moment is actually longer than you think it is.

From the days before mechanical clocks, a moment was 1/40 of an hour on a sundial. While the length of an hour (and any subdivision thereof) could change with the seasons, the average duration of a moment is/was, in fact, 90 seconds.

(I can’t remember if I got

Dammit, you got me.

Dammit, you got me.

I had an evil racquet when I was in high school. I smashed it into a very odd shape, but I kept it and hung it in its regular spot on the wall in the garage ...

As a warning to my new racquet. (It worked. I’ve never had a cursed one since then.)

You think that the Jewish people would have destroyed Steven Spielberg* had he even tried to “jazz up” Schindler’s* List in any kind of way?

It’s not The Glen in Glenview, IL it? (Because that’s an old Naval air station that got converted into an office park / retail thing - and I swear there’s shenanigans still to be found around there.)

Gotta account for the wind, too ...

This is the sort of crazy shit I would have loved to ask my grandfather about. He lived not too far from that location and actually worked at the Fisher Euclid plant (made body panels for various GM cars from 1950-1970, then converted to making interior parts and trim) back when these would have been brand new off the

Better to be pissed off than pissed on.

That’s just about where I was headed.

The problem with designing something to be foolproof is that fool’s are occasionally ingenious.

Since you can’t bring this up to co-workers without immediately being fired—“Hey, Bob, excellent stream of piss you have there, but have you considered aiming a touch higher?”—try hanging a sign in the bathroom that will both shame and educate. A PG drawing of someone using the urinal properly like one of those

Found this one at a car meet just a couple of weeks ago and I think it checks all of the boxes:

1991 Suzuki Cappucino (QUIRKY!)
Turbo (FUN!)
650-cc three-cylinder (EFFICIENT!)
RHD (Super quirky!)
Removeable hard top
Ten grand (AFFORDABLE!)

Hit it that far in baseball and the most you can ever hope for is 4. Seems like cricketers get the better deal.

How am I so out of touch? I was in college about 20 years ago. If we saw someone napping in the quad/commons/whatever, whoever was passing by would generally feel bad for the poor bastard because, as a fellow college student, we understood the need to sleep and eat whenever possible as the rest of our day was

Now playing

Who wins in a fight between Jason Bourne and John Wick?

WRT: di Vicenzo’s death ...

It was a faked suicide. She’s really Emma Peel and marrying Bond was just a cover. However, emotions got the best of her and she was falling for him. She had to get out of the situation, so she did.

It was a faked suicide. She’s really Olenna Tyrell and she’s had a vision of the future. She