
I have seen people use the “x” and the “@” instead of the “o” in the written language, but in oral language, the only form that I’ve heard are “feminine and masculine”. Like “niñas y niños”. Personally, I prefer using the masculine as generic (even if, yes, is not perfect). Is it a common option in the US to use

But, in Spanish, masculine plural is the generic form when you are talking about a group with members of unespecified or mixed gender. In that context, “masculine” plural is not really “masculine”, but unmarked. The Real Academia Española and the Diccionario Panhispánico de Dudas both say so

I think that it’s not a case of people being in the closet, but people labeled as straight or gay according to their current partner (or seen as just wanting to stand out), even if they are openly bisexual : Angelina Jolie, Megan Fox, Kristen Stewart, Miley Cirus... have said that they are bisexuals, but their words

I’ve said this in another comment, but some journalists have used the fact that she is bisexual to excuse Depps

Some of the comments about the bisexuality of Heard in the press have been absolutely disgusting. Maybe I’m too optimistic, but I was not expecting that kind of treatment of bisexuals by the press in 2016.

Real story, in an internet debate about rape and consent, somebody (a woman) tried to argue to me that most rape accusations were false because real victims are too ashamed to go to the police.

She in not in Heartlight, but that doesn’t mean that she is not being mistreated by her parents now, or that they can’t send her to other center to “cure” her. She is still not 18 and her parents still have custody.

I’m not sure. I have read about basque as a pre-indo-European language before but I don’t know which are the other pre-indo-European languages in Europe. The wikipedia page about basque says “one of the few” but the wikipedia page about Pre-Indoeruropean only identifies basque in Europe. But the page about Paleo-Europe

Her father is basque, and basque language is one the few pre-Indo-European languages in Europe, so the surnames from that region are quite characteristic.

I was surprised by the high number relative to population . I have tried to find the statistics of european countries, but I didn’t have much luck. But judging by the statistics here, USA have 0.67 women killed by her intimate partner for every 100000 women. Australia has 0.25 if my math are not wrong, Spain had 0.33

It’s surprising how many times I have had to remind people that women are not a minority. Specially talking about representation in fiction. Like, no, most people aren’t straight white able young men, that is not the reason why most characters are like that.

No, I know what colonialism was, I know the history of my country, and I’m not proud of it. That doesn’t justify this:

First of all, I don’t see how the things that somebody did, centuries ago, justify the suffering of all their descendants, and everybody that just happen to live in the same country (as most of my ancestors in the last 2 centuries were pretty poor, and not very good with that “reading and writing” thing, I really

When I was in high school I used the boys’ bathroom once. I couldn’t stop coughing, and my teacher told me to go drink a bit of water. The boy’s bathroom was closer and empty and I didn’t want to miss more class than necessary so I went there. I didn’t know that it was such a terrible thing. Now I wonder if I have

It really is! There is other video in that site about sitting with a bustle and it says so there (around the 2:20 mark)

Maybe this is where the tradition of the gentlemen pulling the chair out for the ladies comes from (and opening the doors of cars for them). I always thought that it was very stupid, and in fact, waiting for somebody to do that for you seemed like a bother, but I can see it being something that a woman dressed with

Ah, I see. But still, I think that it’s a complex issue because some models of legalization could help them get better protection from a economic viewpoint (getting a retirement pension and social benefits, etc) that they can’t get without it. I don’t doubt that certain models can be very damaging, but I think that in

I don’t see how incarcerating prostitutes can help them in any way. They are the victims or they are there by their own decision. If they are victims, being a victim is not a crime. If they aren’t, they aren’t harming anybody. For that reason in some countries, pimping is illegal, but prostitution isn’t.

Not saying that there isn’t racism in Spain, because of course there is, there isn’t any country that isn’t racist, but that “recent history” was 2 years ago. There are regulations in place so it doesn’t happen again, and if it happens, football teams could be fined. Until not so long ago, Spain had very little

I have the same experience with period cold (not so often now, but very often when I was younger), and talking with other woman a few days ago she said the same: she had colds more often during her period and improved as soon as her period ended.