
It’s not exactly that. The Spanish Penal Code doesn’t even talk about rape too much (I think that it only mentions the word once), and instead of that uses the broader terms sexual assault and sexual abuse. Sexual assault is for crimes against sexual freedom that include violence and intimidation. Sexual abuse is a

It is a different country, and sometimes things that sound bad are more understandable if you put them in the proper cultural context. But this is not the case here. If something, the situation of the fight for equal rights in Korea and the push against it by men is even more sad when you look at the whole picture,

I don’t use the handle, I use the tip of the bowl. It’s thinner and easy to get between the glass and the lid. And then I aply presure using the bowl as the lever and not in the handle. First time I tried, I was worried about bending the spoon, but since I use the bowl as the “lever”, and don’t apply pressure in the

I don’t have a lot of strength (even compared with other women of my size, and I’m not a very big woman) and my trick to opening jars is using a spoon as a lever to break the seal of the jar:

Papercraft is very popular in Japan. Canon has a entire page dedicated to that :

Cuisine is different from place to place here. For example, in my region cheeses are less strong (we have like 7 different cheeses just in my region, with several variations, and every region of Spain has its own cheeses), we eat more fish and shellfish and the most famous wines of the region are white (and coffee

I´m Spanish (from the North, but I think that is the same anywhere), and if somebody pinch my butt, that somebody is going to get my elbow in his stomach. The same if somebody grab my boobs, except maybe with my knee in his nuts, because that is easier if that somebody is in front of me. No, we don’t just politely

I have an absolute terrible sense of direction in real life. It’s so bad that people usually doesn’t believe me when I say how bad it is. I get disoriented easily and I have to go to a place lots of times before I remember how to get there. But I’m good with maps, and I usually can get anywhere if I have a good map.

Some translations to Spanish of Gulliver’s travels and the films inspired by it changed the name of the island precisely for that reason.

As a matter of fact, Catalonia has a lot more political power than the Basque Country and they got it through political maneuvering. What terrorism got on Spain was a lot more corpses and suffering of inocent people. And I say that as somebody who still remember the time of ETA, as do most of the population of Spain.

I don’t know much about the second part, but there are a lot of minority languages in Europe. There are several only in Spain (besides Catalonian, there is Galician and Basque, and there are several non official languages). I’m Galician and I assure you, we have our own linguistic and cultural identity, our own

Because the idea of a vote of independence is not in the constitutuion of Spain, you need to change the constitution of Spain to approve the conditions for a independence vote. Change of the constitution is not imposible, it has already been done twice (in 1992 and 2011) since the creation of the current constitution

The Spanish laws say that your children must inherit at least a third of your estate. You can’t completely desinherit them, so if he had a child, that testament wasn’t valid.

I don’t know. There are enough things in modern Christianism that would baffle him that I think that maybe he has given up and stopped watching us a long time ago. He preached compassion and taking care of the less unfortunate and said how difficult it was to reach the Heaven if you were rich but there are people

I object to the “Taliban Christians” part. There is a lot of competition for that title and, if the Evangelical want it, they can fight for it with other radical christians groups, like the Opus Dei. As a matter of fact, as soon as they don’t bother anybody else, I suggest the hierarchy of that kind of groups decide

In Philippines some people are crucifixed during Easter

Most people in Spain don’t practice siestas except on weekends or holidays. People have jobs, school, college, etc... most bosses and teachers aren’t too kind to people who sleeps on the job or in class.

I didn’t see the film ( I was disappointed that it was not about the Japanese Christians, but about the Jesuits) but I think that the idea that the Japanese were worried about their culture is a bit of a simplification. The politics of the time, the power struggle between different factions in Japan (and the power

I didn’t see the film ( I was disappointed that it was not about the Japanese Christians, but about the Jesuits) but I think that the idea that the Japanese were worried about their culture is a bit of a simplification. The politics of the time, the power struggle between different factions in Japan (and the power

Probably, because of history, and all the illegitimate children that were ignored by their parents, left without an education and a mean to live with dignity, even when their parents had lot of money (I don’t know if it was the same in USA, but illegitimate children and their mothers had a very hard time in some parts