Yes, just like that :)
Yes, just like that :)
I live in a region of Spain that was very poor some decades ago, and it wasn’t uncommon for some men to choose to be priests just because it was a good job and not because of faith. The affairs were so common that there are lots of traditional songs and tales about the sexual relationships of priests and their maids…
I have read some academic papers about homosexuality and perception in society and I remember that there was one article with data of a survey about role models of homosexual people when they were young. Lots of people told they didn’t have someone they could identify with when they were teenagers, and saw themselves…
Spanish police had advice to prevent rape in its webpage. Some of those pieces of advice were “Close the curtains at home”, “don’t put your name in your mailbox” or “don’t be alone with a man in a elevator”. People critiziced it and the had to remove them. But, you know, maybe just being always at home would be…
Probably not. I’ve seen photos others examples of similar things. The text looks “interesting” for some people there in the same way people have t-shirts or tattoos with chinese characters even if they don’t know what they mean. It’s like this
I like Korean drama and I sometimes have looked to information about actresses that I liked to know in what else have they starred. The profile has their weight and they almost always weigh less than 50 kg (110 pound)
Ausonia has some statistics from surveys to women about menstruation in every pad. Like statistics about what women find more conforting, how many women have avoided the beach because of the period, or how many change their habits during those days. I think that they are interesting.
I really appreciate the time and effort, and, of course, don’t be sorry, you have given me several books and authors that I didn’t know and they seem like fantastic readings.
I know tales mostly from the South of Europe (I’m Spanish, so that’s what is easier for me to find books about...and where the tales that my grandmother, mother and other family told to me were from) and a bit from here and there from other european countries, specially the celtic and celtic-influenced cultures of…
Thank you. They sound really interesting. And they are public domain! This one?:
I really love traditional tales, but I never liked Perrault. The traditional tales that I know are beautifully varied, with peasants, musicians, witches, soldiers, saints and knights as protagonists and not just kings and beautiful princess. And with a lot of more interesting female characters, too and they are less…
Like this? (From here)
I find funny that cheerleading started as an all-male activity.
Very interesting, thank you.
Yes, they do. Most of the information from archeological sites doesn’t come from a nice piece that you can put on a display, it comes from analyzing the sites as a whole: what is there? where are the pieces? What kind? How many? Sometimes, the bulk of information doesn’t come from the most valuable pieces, but from…
It has changed children from a blessing to a commodity making it very hard to consider ourselves to be a civilized respectful rational society.
It reminds me of an article I read about harassment to women in the world of comic book publishing and how women used to alert each other about which men in the industry should be avoided, because if they reported them, they (the women) would be ignored at best and would lose their job in the worst case. You can’t…
Well, I can see how that statement about that (very dead and very hated) dictator can make some people smile a bit. Was it in the North West?
Sometimes even the crowds in the background in films are male by default:
Even more hilarious, the argument about how “historically, most people with interesting jobs have been men” was in a discussion about the protagonists in books for children. There are books with blue aliens, witches or detective cats as protagonists, but apparently, historical realism is an important concern for…