wait, didn't you guys to the same?
wait, didn't you guys to the same?
"the first time in my 32 years that I see my generation truly, actually caring and getting involved"
I will never be more afraid of anything than I was the night I tried to sleep after reading Cheerleaders: The First Evil with a flashlight.
umm.. That boyfriend.....
As new members of University of Alabama's sororities celebrated their newfound adoption into their sisterhoods this…
Why would a black artist have that in their music video? #notamused
They really really want to keep using that word. If its not a big deal STOP. But maybe they need to create controversy like Kanye (who I'm sure loves non African American using the n word).
No, it's Gabrielle who is the Amazon. An Amazon princess no less! :)
Reality is, relaxers and "straight hair" is promoted because it is where hair stylists can make money. While I know many natural haired people still go to stylists, I know that when I went natural I had very little reason to pay someone to do my hair in order to maintain it, therefore I haven't. Capitalism at its…
I literally did not see my parents from exactly 8 am when I was out the door in the morning to about 6:30 PM when I came home, to my mom home from work and making dinner/picking it up from Donatos. Starting in the summer after 3rd grade, when I was 9 going on 10 years old. Both my parents worked, this was in no way…
Yep, so pissed I don't get to catch herpes. Aww nuts! What the fuck is wizardchan? By the way us folks on Gawker totally knew this was gonna be the type of responses. Thanks for proving us right.
A few sources saying that was a sex party and the people who go there knew that stuff like this may happen. People are blowing this up because they think it is a normal bar.
Thank you! I couldn't even respond to some of these posts on this article. Derailing of the colorism discussion strikes again!
Yes. and the constant reinforcement of light bright is the only right, that no one really stands up too. and when people do stand up to it they are silenced with "so what are you saying? I'm not black enough? hmmm?"
I hope the handcuffs fit JUUUUUUUUUUUUUST right!
I am all about equal rights for one and all but personally, I don't want to see women walking around topless. I guess I've past the threshold into old lady land and I am just not interested in it. I breastfed all of my children and I do have issue with people throwing fits when women breastfeed in public (I did and…