
If adult kids are really living with their parents in order to do nothing and be lazy, that's a problem I guess. Otherwise, I fail to see anything at all alarming about this trend. In most other countries on Earth, it is much more normal to live with parents through college, until marriage, and/or for large portions

I've always been a fan of the first waves. The women about education, ethnography, the vote, and wages. They were strong, wonderful women who really wanted to achieve change. I ascribe to their views more than I do the 70s and now as a gay man. I just can't. Feminism isn't about equality any more. It's about white

Must we really assume that all women who drink do so because of some kind of male peer pressure? Can't we allow women enough agency to imagine that they might actually enjoy drinking?

Well, if I'm never taught, how would I learn? Who should've taught me? My parents are the easy target but they were never taught either and, given my dad's penchant for transphobic insults, it's probably best he didn't take up the cause.

Growing up I was told that girls mature faster than boys. If that is true then where the fuck is the outrage over a teenage boy being raped? If this were a 14 year old girl most of the comments would be calling for the death penalty

I think you are reading a lot into this story.

LeVar did a Reddit AMA today. This post emerged:

Nope, pretty sure Carmen has been known to use the term as flippantly as RuPaul. She also failed to speak up about her concerns about any derogatory slurs while she was a contestant on season 3. Is it now that we are only offended by terms that only exclusively apply to us? Doesn't that completely negate what she is

Carmen is such a hypocrite. She used to use the t-word in her social media and and then started going back and deleting her old tweets, etc. after this all started to blow up.

Some people are abusive and some people respond to frustration with violence and some people are mean drunks and some people lose their tempers sometimes.