
This notion that you can take highly political situations and just opt out of making a political statement means you’re not being political is eyerolling. It doesn’t have to be a grand political statement. No one is arguing they should be putting out some sort of philosophical treatise or anything. But when you make a

Seriously. Can’t a company make a game about overthrowing a fascist government in Not Cuba without people asking if there are any statements about the real world. Not Cuba isn’t even a real place. DUH!


There are pros and cons to the board game space being “smaller” than video games, in the sense that there just aren’t as many walls between the users and creators. The cons are seeing the assholes all the time! The pros are creators being able to just do this.

That is a really encouraging fact. He has enough anticipation built up to simply not care about this stuff, and yet he’s allocating resources and getting the outsider perspectives needed to undo decades old fantasy tropes. That is how you move towards change

Get over it.

No one is disputing the ingredients, but they are cooked wrong.

fresh fries can and regularly do taste better than In-N-Out. I don’t think anybody is CrAzY for liking them, it’s a matter of taste, but I can tell you that they fall short of a good fresh cut fry.

No. BoTW and Super Mario Odyssey don’t even run at 1080p. 4K DLSS is 1440p using AI upscaling. Even without DLSS, BoTW at 1440p would look beautiful.

Putting a pin here so I can come back later to see how having a seizure is unfair criticism of the christ-game that is beyond reproach  

The PS5 is literally the exact same issue.  Limited harddrive space, and standard externals are only viable for PS4 software, not PS5.  You’ll have to buy a very expensive SSD designed to work for the PS5 in order to have more digital storage space for PS5 games.

Not to worry, there’s plenty to go around!

Fucking RIGHT?

Save some of that dislike for Palmer

As if we needed more reasons to fucking detest the sentient pile of human shit that calls itself Bobby Kotick...

See, you express some understanding of what happened but so little I can’t believe you’re commenting in good faith here since that’s a massive misrepresentation of what happened.

The allegations were made, and were credible enough the board asked him to resign. He refused to resign unless some reportedly outrageous

I’m absolutely sick and tired of politics right now, and Twitch is one of the places I go to escape it all.”

I would call them the “Woman Haters’ clu—” Wait, that’s a The Little Rascals thing?


Spiders eat the bad bugs, though!