
People in 2020 really do not get context do they? Just “this #problematic word was uttered, attack mode engaged.” How do you come away from that SNL thinking he was elated that Trump won? And yeah, Chappelle has never shied away from talking about how he’s rich and black, and even a bigot. That’s part of his bit.

You clearly don’t pay much attention to Dave Chappelle aside from what a few sources in your bubble spoon feed you.

I’m pretty sure Snowpiercer is a metaphor.

Considering the subpar quality of Fallout 4 it might be time to just give up on Bethesda ever making a good one again. 

New York’s hottest club is FAAAAAART!

Did you read the same article I did? Did you read the article at all in the few minutes it’s been up? There weren’t changes to the overall design they adjusted it so it runs only when it’s supposed to and when someone wants it to run. That’s some basic tightening up you would expect after feedback on any beta

Nobody’s “only option” is Gamestop. Video games are not worth dying for.


They’re also not “rich monarchs”. The only monarch in the UK is their grandmother. William will be monarch at some point in the future, after Charles, but Harry won’t ever be monarch. 

Joan, maybe it’s better that you leave Royals coverage to Kelly Faircloth. You clearly loathe them, and I come to Jez for snark, not “loathing! unadulterated loathing!”

Your avatar is a Camaro.

The first like 200,000 were super low cost,” he said, but things went up dramatically from there.

Some people clean dog shit off of their carpet, but you do you I guess.

Just a reminder - we know how the flu works. We still don’t know how Covid is transferred... or you know, *exactly* where it came from or what the mortality rate is, or how it long term affects those that survive. Oh and of course, there are already flu vaccines... not so for covid.

Double heads up: I owned two of these controllers (one controller that I returned, and then a replacement for it that I also returned), and both of them had the same problem: the A button. The main problem was that button presses weren’t consistently read by the game if the button wasn’t pressed just right, but it

Double heads up: I owned two of these controllers (one controller that I returned, and then a replacement for it

Claire Daines also is confusing to follow in the dark and being able to tell if she’s going to stop or turn or what.

Have you looked at tuition prices lately?

Yes, but I don't think you graduated with essentially a debt equivalent to owning a house. This from a baby boomer.

Didn't Generation X cause the housing bubble by taking out loans it couldn't afford? I think we should blame gen x on the current recession. Also, isn't it the soldiers who bore the brunt of the war? Those arent' gen xers either.