
But it’s not capitalism that’s a problem. It’s that people aren’t capitalisming nicely, right? Or somehow this is “crony” capitalism (which, incidentally, is just regular capitalism) or a few bad eggs or something. Actually, I forgot. It’s the pirates who are taking food from the mouths of hard-working developers. No

Oh good, it wasn’t that fucking douche canoe, Palmer Luckey.

You know, he’s right. We are a divided nation and I for one welcome his candidacy as it will give every American, regardless of their race, gender or political affiliation, a chance to come together and say “Is this douchebag for real?

He wants to run and maintain a deep level of compassion and empathy for the American people. Cool. I’m down with that. Here’s your campaign prep, Schultz:

You’re right. They could draw toddlers in diapers and give them a beer and say they’re of age and some say we should take them at their word because Gary Coleman. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so cringey.

The first instance actually leads to a well reasoned monologue that describes the uselessness of torture-its not a stretch to call it making a case against torture.

You know, this is a horseshit comment, and while your intentions are no doubt good, you appear to have forgotten where you’re aiming. This is Kotaku. We have our faults, but pulling punches ain’t one of them.

I would like to know to cause I don’t know who this guy even is and I been playing games for almost 30 years

By contributing in material and intentional ways to a disgusting campaign of misogyny and racism that scarred the industry forever, obviously.

is this in response to his gamergate incident?

Fuck nazis, and their enablers.

As a big fan of the Witcher books I’m sad that they’re now associated a lot with these kinds of racist assholes who only know the games.

Don’t get this card! I had a fraudulent charge hit my card and they basically told me tough shit. Screw Chase. Get the Discover IT card. Same benefits but with double points the first year! Activate now and it’s 10% at Amazon!

Don’t get this card! I had a fraudulent charge hit my card and they basically told me tough shit. Screw Chase. Get

Maybe learn what white washing means before you use it, idiots. And learn what an adaptation is too instead of crying about white washing. This is the same as as The Office US version using US actors and being set in the US instead of British actors and Britain setting. lol SJW are so stupid.

So is this an actual issue with cultural representation and/or being faithful to the original property? Or is this an issue of the lead not living up to the idealistic standards of fans?

Ya know, it’s funny people are upset about the whitewashing of this brilliant anime, I’m personally okay with it.

Light is a straight up asshole. An extremely manipulative, self-centered villain hellbent on ruling. There is no one worse than him in the entire series. Especially for how he treats Mia.


what generally leap of logic do you have to make to conclude that no chat functionality, browser, or media functionality at launch = no UI/OS? seriously dude. not to mention WE SAW THE GODDAMN UI IN VIDEOS ALREADY.