
I can’t believe you guys are spending time on this when there is a pizza parlor in DC tha

Dom, loved this. These kinds of articles on underappreciated pieces of football teams enrich understanding of the game. Thanks!

What the hell was Jay Cutler doing in Turkey???

He’s only had 2 drinks, just like that pansy Tom Scocca suggested

My guess is the people filing the lawsuit are well aware of Cousins’ lack of effort on defense and hoping he’ll just settle.

Well so much for them playing in the NFL ever again!

Neither of the jokes ever get old to me. I find them funny every single time. And the more annoyed people get, the funnier it is. So I just sit back and wait for someone to tell me they’re sick of the same stupid joke. Then I incorrectly correct their grammar.


This isn’t a story about a guy being a dick, but I was once in a Taco Bell when Mike Holmgren walked in, studied the menu intently for two solid minutes, and then walked back out never having said a word. It was over ten years ago but not a day goes by that I don’t wonder what the heck his internal monologue must have

“I hope a piano falls on his head” is such a great insult. I’m stealing that.

Fuck this Loeb guy all to hell. I usually hate the term “gold-digger,” but he is a woman-hating, misogynist, bullying gold-digger. You know ultimately he is doing this for money, but it’s also to get his rocks off - she left him, but he’s never going to allow her to expunge him from her life. He wants to be a looming

When asked how many weeks he would be out, Pierre-Paul, ever the optimist, held up 5 1/2 fingers.

He went to Harvard? WHY WAS I NOT INFORMED?

Based on what I saw last night, the Jets would be better served by starting Tom Petty - holy crap, are they THAT bad?!

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

Every time I here about that movie I wonder if it’s this one or the James Spader car accident porn one. It’s never the James Spader.

Emblematic of their ‘offense’ was a red zone play where the Cowboys rushed only three, Bradford was so robotic about going to the designated receiver he threw the ball EARLY with absolutely nothing in the way of a pass rush around him. Skittish, without weapons, and injury-prone is no way to go through life, son.

Fuck off, 538 was probably the most bullish website on Trump. When something that has a 1 in 3 chance of happening actually happens, you don’t pretend prediction is broken.

If you really look closely at his eyes on that dunk, you can see The Golden State Warriors blew a 3-1 lead in the NBA Finals.

Dude, read your own comment history before casting stones about being tiresome.