
I’m curious how much his 24+ hours awake had to do with delays that weren’t his fault, overly aggressive timelines, poor work conditions, etc. I’m not immediately dismissing the possibility that he is at fault. I’d just love to hear his side of the story.

The openness with which they operate so hideously - avoiding a paper trail, no written report, paying settlements - is proof that this whole thing is just ‘the cost of doing business’ to them. Like a bullet list “we need new helmets, a popcorn machine for the locker room, new pipes in the shower room, pay off a

Look at this comment

You’d think for a player as explosive as he is he’d have more stable C4.

You’re going to have a hard time convincing a judge that the cops can’t check the wallet of an unconscious person for identification.

He wouldn’t have gotten hit if he wasn’t acting like such Awini.

If Utah had won, they planned on celebrating by passing around a large Starbucks coffee and letting each player have one tiny sip, Prophet be praised.

I think his assists and points probably aren’t padded out, but I’ve watched Thunder games where Westbrook is at 8 or 9 rebounds and you can see him signal to his teammates that he’s going to rebound a miss from a free throw.

“probably the most unique player in the NBA,”

Fuck these NFL highlight tweets. Almost every single one requires following links that open three different browser windows before I can actually watch the clip on my phone. No highlight is worth that hassle.

Hey, this isn’t about a sick dunk by a player on a 5-11 Timberwolves team in one of their double-digit losses, what the hell gives?

4 steps is traveling now? Back in the 80s and 90s I saw guys take 10 steps get a kidney ripped out and still score a 4 point basket. Players are soft these days.

Okay. But what about the travel?

call me a highlight truther all you want but that’s fucking travelling.

If Asthma was personified, it’d look like him.

I agree. If anything, his nickname should be “Bleached Asshole.”

Damn, he just turned him into Mason Prunelee!

Makes sense. Orthodox Jews are notorious for wanting a conflict free compromise between Israelis and Palestinians protecting the rights of both peoples.

This is smart. Why wait until the next draft to sign a QB?

One wonders how Dallas could possibly cope with the subtraction of Bogut and his 3.8 ppg in 26 minutes. His replacement, a 30-year-old player I had never heard of (apparently a stalwart for the Tunisian national team), positively exploded for 8 points.