
What you said just comes across as really condescending and privileged. Not everyone has the time/money/opportunities to advance a career. Most of the time if people are working minimum wage jobs it has nothing to do with a lack of “aspirations” and it really ignorant of you to assume otherwise.

Oh god. This was the worst. White girls are the worst. Ugh. The bling ring. Ugh.

What is wrong with working in retail or hospitality?

My old boss used to sincerely describe me as a “hustler” on the reg and it made me so uncomfortable.

Holy hell. Tell me who this goddess is!?!

And it was such a great point that I had to pointedly reappoint it!

Yeah that too.

I would do it. Shrugs.

Why would a hippie name their son after the Roman god of war?! WHY ARE THESE PEOPLE NOT DOING THEIR RESEARCH?

You are a good story teller. Publish this please.

And I named my cockatiel Jupiter when I was 10. But I mean, I was 10. And he was a pet bird.

“parenting is a two person job”

OMG EMMA. Roman mythology high five!

It took me a minute to get the joke/reference. Snaps for you.

Turned off the video when it was mentioned that they named their son “Jupiter.”

That is not an untrue statement.

Approximately nothing about that surprises me.

Those look completely ridiculous and impractical.


The Midwest sucks. The only reason I could imagine going there would be for the promise of drugs.