Oh come on man! He’s got his hand all up on her bare leg! WHICH MEANS THEY ARE IN LOVE AND ARE GOING TO HAVE BEAUTIFUL BABIES, OK?
Oh come on man! He’s got his hand all up on her bare leg! WHICH MEANS THEY ARE IN LOVE AND ARE GOING TO HAVE BEAUTIFUL BABIES, OK?
1. Whoa way to kill the mood. Do you hate puppies and rainbows too?
This is also what I’m praying for. Reminds me of when Louis CK cast a black woman as his ex/mother to his blonde haired, blue eyed white kids in his TV show and gave NO EXPLAINATION for it and everyone flipped their shit. All the anger was delicious.
There is no part of me that wants to see this film but I will stare at photos of MBJ all day long, no shame, cause he is legit beautiful.
These asshats are like every street harasser ever-
Jason Schwartzman is my personal eye candy. Him in pink shorts is doing things to me.
No joke I was planning to start that tonight. Will be with you shortly.
I love these so much. So fricking cute and also down right pretty. Would buy and hang all over my apartment if I wasn’t broke. Thank you for sharing! Congrats on being such an amazing artist!
“My life is finally getting its shit together.”
“The final... no, I’m not going to meet this guy came when he sent me an MRA meme Titled “Feminist Hypocrisy” with a “Haha this is a good one” “
I believe that that stylist’s name is Photoshop.
Yeah but I bet your pee is yellow as fuck. How do you sleep at night?
You speak many truths.
Deal. We can all have drinks and tacos together on Sundays.
Everything makes so much more sense now. She matches her clothes to her personality.
Is this a joke... ? Why does her stylist hate her?