
You do it so well. Don't let me keep you from doing your thing boo.

P.S. So sad you got banned! Glad you’re back.


He’s mine! I called dibs! BACK OFF.

What the hell is toner?

Coconut oil is hugely overrated. It doesn’t rub into my skin at all. Its leaves greasy, oily residue. It clogged my pores and gave me black heads like whoa. And it barely even moisturized my skin at all. Still felt dry as fuck.

You’re too sensitive. You need to toughen up.

I’m playing hard to get! It’s what ladies do!


If its what you want then do it! Sea birds are dope.

You’ll definitely never get a DM with an attitude like that.

Acne is the worst most stupidest thing ever created. It serves no purpose. When I rule the world it will be banished from all corners of the earth.


I like you. <3

I was in a two year long, on again off again relationship with an addict. I realize that its not the same as being married to someone, but I still feel your pain. I was blessedly freed from the relationship almost a year ago now. (some of the Jez peeps may remember my frantic SNS postings during this time)

Where do you watch it? Is it available for online streaming anywhere yet?

Ooooo. Pretty.

I came to win.

OMG that's what I have actually been using this last week. I found it under my mom's bathroom sink cabinet and thought it seemed as legit as anything else, but I wanted to see if my fellow Jezzies had any better recommendations.

Not Retin A. The bottle says "Clindamycin Phosphate and Benzoyl Peroxide Gel". I dunno. I went to this new doctor for something completely unrelated and at the end of my appointment this lady was just like, "And... uh... I'm gonna write you a prescription for your acne." And was all, "K."