
No registration, just your standard new moon ritual.

Oh no!

I am able to star on my phone, but not on my laptop. The first world problem struggle is REAL.

I want you to know that I would star your comments if I could.


OMG. I thought it was just doing that just cause of my glitchy cheapo laptop!!! Glad to know that can hate my laptop less and kinja more now.

I said what I said on only two different threads for two different reasons, not “every other thread”. And I absolutely did NOT say that what she said was “okay” and its super weird that you’re reading into it as that.

I dunno. I’m a rampant feminist, but I'm sure that I must have called some other girls that I was jealous of or felt threatened by sluts when I was young and stupid. I’m not a T-swift fan by any means, but I think its only natural that in a highly patriarchal society that socially encourages the brutal competition of




I don’t care if it has the disposition of a fluffy petco bunny rabbit. As long as it has teeth like that I will be staying at least twenty yards away from all large bodies of water.

I will have nothing to do with that poor animal. Nothing I tell you.

I hope that person got eaten whole by that tiger and I don't feel bad about it.

Meh. I think she looks like a shark. All sharky and what not.

I would be shocked if it wasn't fake. I mean, I know that sharks are generally "peaceful" but... no. No way he could that close and the shark would just chill there.

Snake venom will cause the area around the bite to turn, uh... well very... colorful.

So like, this person is dead right?

That song was from before Lena Dunham taught her about feminism (woohoo) and although as far as I know she hasn’t specifically recanted it, but I know that Taylor NownDays says she takes back a lot of awful things she used to say about girls/women.

You do you babe. But the prodding of my cervix is for the fine ladies at Planned Parenthood only, thanks.