
I really wish that Sons of Anarchy wasn’t so crummy and sexist cause the eye candy in that show is unreal. I’m particularly found of these heavily pandering scenes involving shirtlessness and Ryan Hurst-

She’s just really rich (born and raised extremely wealthy, that is. Not just celebrity wealthy) and really white and has a brazen lack of self awareness and inability to check her privilege.

I hate long dicks. Which makes the bragging all the more deplorable.

She has really great eyebrows.

I thought the ending was really good! Keep watching!!! But uh, yeah. Probably one of the darkest things I have seen portrayed so bluntly on TV. I dunno how they got away with it.

I loved how her character could’ve so easily divulged into a spiritual Messiah, hippy dippy BS stereotype. And instead she was just a cold-hearted, androgynous entrepreneur. When people would come to her for advice I always expected her character to dribble out some pseudo-intellectual spiritual mumbo jumbo, and every

I actually really liked her in the show! (I know a lot people weren’t into her character and/or the casting)


It was a little too tired and sitcom-y for my tastes but it made me fear old age a lot less. Its great to see the 60+ peeps portrayed as still being able to have active and fullfilling lives/fun/sex/relationships/hobbies/shenanigans.


I dunno. I guess I just can’t really think of any part of the show that I’ve seen a bunch of times elsewhere. It all seemed really fresh and original to me.

Its on Netflix. Netflix is free if you get your parents password.

Very true. I also love dark and disturbing movies and TV but I just wanted to put it out there. Its definitely subjective. But for most a lot of the themes (incest, pedophilia, rape) are super difficult to watch.

Can you give an example of something you found cliche?

I enjoyed Tippy’s little guy friend too. Platonic male/female friendship is dope.

Cons- Its weirdly paced and drags at times. It deals with a lot of super icky subject matter. In the end it gets really real really quick. Not for the faint at heart. Its very very dark and bleak.

No ragrets tho?

Yeah I mean I’ll probably do that...

I would listen to every Taylor and Nicki album on repeat for days if it meant I could eat just one pancake with Aaron Paul.

Dont taunt me with the high probability that I will never be able to proclaim my love for you in person.