
I just turned 21 and I’m going to my first drag show tonight!



If there is any sort of higher power in this world then by next season both Alex and Piper GTFO and Nicky will come back.

I like that logic. Good work.

You know my life grrrl

So when I go out in public with only a bra, PJ bottoms and booze I get arrested but when Ri does it it’s “truly amazing.”

Damn. The brows know what’s up. Glad the rest of Charlize finally caught up wit em

My current makeup routine is coloring thick black eyeliner around my peepers and then using the same liner to fill in brows. Forget lipstick or foundation. I never leave the house without a full brow.

Hmmmm. Well then.

Well then. May the brow goddesses have mercy on your soul...

What?! These people are LIARS? COLOR ME SHOCKED.

All true, but regardless, I personally would rather just not have sex (and I say this as someone who loves making the sex on the reg) than risk a baby having condom-only sex.

I am a bad feminist. I am brow-shaming you. Feel the shame.

I agree with you agreeing with me.

Careful there. You’re bound to get banned with that kinda attitude.

Uh huh. I see the way you talk to Moriarty. You ain’t foolin me...

And this is why thick brows need to stay in style 4evs.