Because hate-fucking is always an option...
Because hate-fucking is always an option...
I seriously don’t even know what is happening here...? Why are they planking? Why are there butts? What does this have to do with the confederate flag?
I would be lying if I said that I didn’t want to get all up in that second to last pic.
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks it looks dated as feck.
Oooooh. Terry Richardson shot it... I see.
Dude. No. Drugs/booze are da bestest. Not worth it.
you do you boo
This is exactly how I feel about models in general. Why even bother anymore with paying a model, photographer, stylist, etc. when you could just pay a cartoonist since the finished product is basically the same?
I couldn’t give a hoot’s toot whether Kim identifies as feminist or not. I mean, good for her, but still. Whatever.
I couldnt get over the poet. Shes a poet, Emma! A poet! WHO CAN ACTUALLY MAKE A LIVING AS A POET? WHAT YEAR IS THIS? That is not how life works.
I dunno. She seemed rich as all hell in the film. But I guess Hollywood doesnt exactly have the best track record for accurately portraying the middleclass. Everyone looks filthy rich in movies.
That film (and book. I’ve never read it but I assume its much of the same) is basically just a perfect representative of everything that is wrong with the 1% and white people in general- white entitlement, white privilege, white guilt, white savior complex, etc.- all brought to through I guise of faux-earnest…
ELLIE, GRRRL. Come on.
Whatever. I don't even care. You are nothing to me.
1. Bobby you are a blasphemer. Go home. You are fired. I am firing you. Seriously though what is wrong with you?