That... that is not how one BJs. You are blow jobbing wrong.
That... that is not how one BJs. You are blow jobbing wrong.
I would also like to add that because of that stupid bar 80% of the messages I got were litterally just-
Well geeze. Okcupid isnt really much of a self-esteem booster, eh?
The one (very brief) time that I was on Okcupid the biggest bar that I got on my personality section read as “more drug-friendly” and was just like, wait no, I... I can explain...
No, no. Your reading comprehension is abhorrent. See, he wants a white guy.
Holy shit. My heart hurts. Why you do dis, humanity? WHY?
By “stupid” you mean scientologist, right?
Holy Christ on a cracker. The first world problems are strong with that one. The Midwestern-ness is even stronger. Yikes yikes yikes.
Wait- people aren’t supposed to get married with short hair? That’s a thing? The feck?
Call me.
Sex. Its acceptable during sex.