Will this allow PDF file reading?
Will this allow PDF file reading?
If you get email from spammers and they include an "Unsubscribe" link, where you have to enter your email to unsubscribe... is that actually legit? Or is it a trap so they can tell who actually checks their email?
@Cj Griesmeyer: What I'm saying is pretty much what @wagedomain described. The iPhone 4 isn't introducing -Anything- new in the mobile industry - only things "new" to the iPhone, because Apple likes to hold back things from its customers to milk more money off of them.
@Adam C: I noticed that as well. Even with the bias, though, it's quite laughable that there are really no new innovations in iPhone 4. Multitasking has been around for ages on multiple phones, Android has had folders since 1.0, Evo 4G has had a front-facing camera, flash for cameras on phones has been out since…
@ayatollah: Most certainly NOT! That would be quite foolish.
Two things I have been wondering for so long...
Am I the only one that noticed the spelling mistake?
@davepermen: True words :P
I tried Swype a while ago but got tired of it.
@justS: I've been cutting down on what apps I have installed and running on my phone, Locale is amazing but I've disabled it to give me more resources. This has made it much more usable.
My vote goes to Nandroid on Cyanogenmod. My G1 is so old, Cyanogenmod is the only thing I can really do to make it a usable phone.
@MacAttack: If so, then consider me trolled. Lol
What a biased review. At least read into the facts of OS's before you say made-up statistics about them.
@Stephen.Lecheler: Oh, nice!
@ckcallen: I don't really know what you mean by a microcell as a solution. But, if you're looking to leave Verizon, there's a loophole I've heard about - not tried - in which you look up the service coverage, and simply call them up and tell them you're moving to X location (where x is a place with no Verizon…
@Mickets: What does the star mean, anyway? Pardon my ignorance, I'm somewhat new here.
@jazzytay: I've found that too about the laptop batteries, I have an extended battery that I will use in case this one dies.
@Natael: Sweet, I'll check that out...
I've wanted to ask this forever, I finally remembered! :)
Seems like nobody really likes GOMPlayer too much, haha. Well, I'll migrate to MediaPlayerClassic on Windows then, and VLC for the rest. That seems to be the most supported way to do it. :)