
Trump is emotionally stuck at age 12 so of course kids are going to relate to him. He speaks their language. My friend teaches 7th graders and she talked about how many of her students this past year just openly worship the guy. As a teacher she has to remain politically impartial. The only thing she was able to do

I don’t know if I think it’s the shitiest, but it’s among the most alarming. The reason for the institutional respect for the presidency that has built up over the years is the shared assumption that the president is a decent person, or at least has enough wherewithal and self-control to PLAY as a decent person, and

It’s a mixed bag. As far as the national organization goes, the Mormon church has managed to exert a lot of influence and is the driving force behind all the homophobic policies that they’re just finally emerging from.

Of all the shitty, SHITTY things he has done, I actually think this could take the cake — at least right now. The fact that he said this shit in front of children, unchecked by anyone in authority at BSA, is just silent approval for the terrible things he said in his speech. If the BSA really didn’t endorse this shit,

Y’know, I always felt that way, that there could never be another, but then the CW went and cast a pretty damn worthy follow-up...

I think the results probably are more about creating scenes of actual human interaction, which has honestly been the weakest weak point of the DCEU movies so far, particularly BvS and Suicide Squad. Those movies were shot and subsequently edited in such a way that there are virtually no scenes that are designed to

Yeah, I can’t explain it either.

If they’d wanted to avoid comparisons to either of the small-screen Flash costumes, then they should have gone with Alex Ross’s “Blurry Naked Red Man with a Hat” costume.

How embarrassing for Affleck that suddenly he’s only the second biggest player in the DC universe. Guarantee 90% of the re-shoots are about increasing Gadot’s role in the film.

i support this specific boner.

Counterpoint: that entire metaphor is profoundly dumb and was better/moderately more subtly done in Superman Returns, which is better in almost every respect.

I know no one cares about my boner, but I find Cavill ridiculouslyhot as Clark Kent yet feel nothing when he’s Superman.

I mean, I think the money is on substance abuse with a side of mental health issues. As somebody who’s juuuuuust started to deal with the fact that I have similar issues, I kind of get it. Being on tour seems like a terrible thing for any of those problems.

But you can’t complete the Christ metaphor without a resurrection after he dies saving mankind only because because mankind couldn’t accept him as savior!

I both (1) have not seen Batman v. Superman and (2) was very aware that they implied that Superman wasn’t dead.

How embarrassing for Ezra Miller for having to work with Ben Affleck.

How embarassing to be Ben Affleck and having to wait around for Ezra Miller.

Slow ticket sales methinks? God, I hope this twerp is on his 14th minute of fame.

Poor Biebs. Fame, money, fans, groupies, all of it never filling the little monkey void left in his heart. Thoughts and prayers.