
Littlefinger didn’t hire the assassin. Littlefinger wasn’t in Winterfell when Bran got hurt and so was in no position to hire anyone.

I think it was Joffery in the show. I think it was implied that he overheard Cersei complaining about Bran and he decided to make them proud. It was also the explanation for why you would pay an assassin with a weapon that leads, more or less, straight to you.

Ellara and the Sand Snakes, in the show, that killed Myrcella. So presumably Cersei would like the opportunity for revenge.

My mileage was varying and not because of the many impure thoughts Nathalie Emmanuel inspires. It was a sensitive scene with two wounded people seeking solace with each other and with the man far more afraid than the woman.

Sorry, I still think “You want a good girl but the bad pussy.” takes the cake.

First Sam uses ‘Forbidden Knowledge’ to find dragonglass for Jon, then he uses it to cure Jorah. I like how Sam is becoming the northern version of Qyburn

In the same show where Missandei had to get very, very naked. Because of course she did.


There was a lot of tedium at the House of Black and White that we didn’t see. Also, I’m sure she was paying at least a tiny iota of attention while Hot Pie droned on and on about baking on their initial escape from King’s Landing.

Arcs, man. Just works.

I was honestly so enraptured in Arya’s aloof performance that that line didn’t even stand out for me. Glorious.

Ellaria’s line about foreign invasion was literally the reason Euron attacked.

Arya is becoming like The Hound.

That’s gonna happen. The question is whether Sansa will cunningly marry Baelish first to achieve control of the Vail, which would give her control of the Knights of the Vail after his death, and would be almost poetic seeng how Littlefinger murdered her aunt to achieve the same goal.

I’d like to see Littlefinger get it back. Right between the ribs.

Samwell Tarly is clearly going to write a history book titled A Game of Thrones,

My wife and I both knew that the Iron Fleet would never make it to Dorne the second they explained the plan. Part of the draw of this show was Martin’s talent for creating unpredictable chaos. This is predictable chaos, which is much less satisfying.

Lord Commander Mormont was killed at Craster’s Keep, not the Fist of the First Men. That was where they encountered the wight army. He was killed by his men later after falling back to Craster’s Keep on the way home to Castle Black.

Neither were shown dead or dying... so the foreign invasion could still take place. LOL fanfic level dialogue indeed.