
“From the get-go, ‘American Princess’ was a concept we loved as it’s incredibly relatable to want to parachute from one’s life in difficult times,”

He so obviously went in to his line of work to legitimize his already deeply held beliefs and insulate himself from criticism. It really sucks he has such a big platform and is promoting his crap. Ugh. I wrote him on twitter and brought up the things I disagreed with or thought didn’t make sense or where he was

That that Dr. was a hack giving bad advice and didn’t understand the religio-patriarchal institutions that create the attitudes towards sex that we inherit by society.

Great swimsuit! I swear that cut looks great on everybody. Cheers to Chelsea, looks like she’s L-I-V-I-N

Pretty much. Colourpop and Kylie are basically the same makeup.

But then you have someone like Sonja Morgan who has similar advantages but still can’t seem to tell her entrepreneurial ass from her elbow. Or Paris Hilton who couldn’t muster even half of Kim’s continued relevancy. They must be some unique quality propelling that. If it’s not skill or talent, then it’s safe to call

THANK YOU. This is why I can’t get on board with calling Kim a good business person. She has business opportunities presented to her on a silver platter and picks which ones she wants. Which I guess is a skill.

Their talent, whether you’d like to recognize it as such or not, is being able to drive engagement in a measurable way, which companies love. Numbers don’t discern whether you’re hate reading something or responding negatively, only that you are engaging. It’s the funny thing about it. The people that hate them the

Those fillers end up aging the shit out of you. What pisses me off is that we made these people with no talent famous for no reason and now we’re making them richer than God for no reason. I’m old-fashioned; you should be able to sing, dance, be funny or act to be this famous.

Interesting. Kris picked the entire team behind the lipstick brand and I think it’s nice she’s pretending Kylie is slaving away in a corporate office every day perfecting the formulations 😂 Guys, it’s ok to admit she is the face of the brand and has a ruthless team that makes all the decisions. That’s still good

A spoiled rich white kid capitalizes on her family’s wealth to make even more money. A feel good story for everybody!

Her make up line is Colourpop with inflated prices. Simply save some cash and buy Colourpop. Everything she does is a rip off of someone before.

He’s a CEO, though. Once you get to a C-level job, you’re supposed to be able to handle the human side of your company with more tact than this.

Sounds like a typical scientist/engineer. They look at the data (can he function without her) and make a decision based on the data (yes, he can) and people’s feelings don’t matter.

New on advice of Betsy DeVos.

Yup. Of the entire white house, I don’t think he’d lie, so much as evade.

No matter who had been elected president, this is pretty much where we would be. The question is, now what? Do you trust Trump in this situation to use restraint (or do you hope he won’t and will unleash the nukes)?

I love Winter’s Bone, and it’s nice to hear that she was genuinely warm and friendly with you. I agree that she’s better playing characters closer to her actual age. I am excited for mother! because it looks like the character is meant to be naive and young compared to her husband, and the age and experience gap is

His most successful tunnelling endeavour to date

Poor Elon, now he’s just a genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist