
I third the non-shipping. At least this episode they managed a hint of chemistry, but they are each too disdainful of the other to let this ship happen. Unless they finally sit down and have a drink and she’s all, I walked out of fire - twice - and he’s all, I was raised from the dead and killed a White Walker...until

Dickon banged Jaime so hard out of that fury hot mess, made Jaime wet all over.

I loved a lot about this episode, but I am tired to death of Cersei’s sudden competence.

Cersei’s competence is tied to the fact that she has actual experienced generals at her disposal, like Jamie and Tarly.

Loved this episode. They don’t have the novels anymore and cannot adapt Martin’s dense plotting, but they make up for it by bringing together characters who have actually been apart for years, or never in scenes together, and making their reunions genuinely dramatic. I am surprised that there is actual chemistry

Choosing greed over survival is a common storytelling trope.I think this was to both subvert that trope and too show that Bronn isn’t a cookie cutter henchmen but an actual person trying to survive in the grey area between loyal good to a fault and black died in the wool evil.

Re: Jon and Dany- saaaaaame. We definitely seem to be the minority opinion, but at this point I feel like they have all the chemistry of a pair of sea sponges. I’m at least a little bit shipping trash and I think I finally know what it feels like to be one of those people that just doesn’t get a popular ship hahaha.

Pretty sure Jon is going to bend the knee, while holding a little gold ring.

Given Qyburn is the maester of poison, and that Drogon is named for Drogo who died due to an infection caused by an injury obtained in combat, who else is expecting the dragon to eventually succumb to its wounds only to be resurrected by the Night King as an ice dragon?

man these showrunners can eat a fat one...if youre only gonna give us 13 more episodes - these things better be at least an hour long. last night clocked in at 50mins. i need as much thrones as possible dammit!

I actually have a headcanon theory for this, if it helps?

Cersei was incompetent because, for too long, she was fuelled by passion and resentment. The former particularly.

Yeah both Tyrion and Jamie come to that conclusion. Jamie and Cersie talk about it. And Tyrion figures it out and mentions it to Joff.

Ok after a bit of googling here is the important info:

That episode was bananas. Bananas Foster to be precise.

At least in the books it’s implied it was Joffrey. He did it because he didn’t think anyone should live as a cripple especially someone high born. It was some kind of fucked up attempt at mercy. Though if that was Tyrion speculating that or not I can’t remember. Maybe Joffrey admitted it?

Of course the dagger being in Arya’s hands is going to be important. Everything Bran does from this point is not just calculated, but prescient. As for who hired the assassin? How would Littlefinger have known what Bran saw in the window? I was always under the assumption that Cersei stole (had someone steal) the

I loved a lot about this episode, but I am tired to death of Cersei’s sudden competence. The primary thrust of her character, consistent through all of the books, is that she has this colossal chip on her shoulder: she believes being a woman has held her back for her entire life, that she is the greatest and wisest

So, how do we know that Jon didn’t bend the knee (or “bend the knee”) to Dany in the cave? Is there a need for witnesses for that sort of thing? Couldn’t Jon have said “screw it,” kneel, and once they left the cave just kept up pretenses like nothing was going on? And Dany would still honor her word?

Are we supposed to draw symbolism from the way the show very pointedly showed Bronn spilling his bag of gold, looking at it, and deciding to ignore it to fight on?

This season has some great reactionary comedy lining up though, you gotta say.