
I’m extremely disappointed that Rory McCann wasn’t there a) at all and b) in a kilt. That’s all.

This actually happened right down the street from where I work in Downtown L.A. So we walked down a block and tried to get a glimpse at the rails right outside Disney Concert Hall. But since we were lowly civilians, they quickly made us move to guard rails across the busy street. We could barely see any of the

AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! It’s hard to believe it’s finally here, because for me

JOE DEMPSIE. And one of my coworkers thinks I’m crazy for being convinced that Gendry is coming back. That is my only comment here because I need to see these photos on my laptop. For some reason, these fashion wrap up photos are always super fuzzy on my phone.

He looks so casual about it in the video above. Like “dude, you sexist piece of shit, but I’m gonna be chill and support all amazing tennis players. Chill with that nonsense”.

As Lindy West says, “No, not every opinion is valid and worthy of my time.”

Andy Murray is generally pretty great and had a woman coach for quite some time (which is just not done by men or even most women.)

#1 I have had a super crush on Andy Murray forever. I don’t know why. But now I love him more.

I will fully admit to hate watching Dance Moms and the UDC until kingdom come, and there is little love in my heart for Abby Lee Miller.

He seems like a good egg. And a serious fan of the Williams sisters.

Keep on rocking that casbah. Ban that boogie sound. The sharif don’t like it, because he’s not around. We are sans shirif, because he’s in that funky town.

You could have shortened this up quite a bit.

I guess the sequel to Helvetica has just gotten a lot more exciting.

My country has political scandals on the front page of Gizmodo every day. :( Welcome to the club.

Seems its a case of typeface ligatures bringing litigators together

I remember when that one contestant walked out at the finale looking nearly emaciated and in a split second cut to Jillian, she had this absolutely horrified look on her face. I like to think that was her “this is actually really fucked up” moment.

People will always believe sensationalistic crap that confirms their fears. Some Christians in the eighties were quick to believe Dungeons and Dragons was causing kids to go ape and hack eachother up with swords. In the same decade, others were quick to believe that large-scale sexual abuses were happening at daycare

Haha, no.

I read the headline to my kid. Her response? “I’MMA GO FIGHT SOMEONE.”

This is the second time I’ve had to post this pic this week.