
Yeah, the fact that magic comes back for everyone at around the same time is a big hint that the magic that Red Priests practice might not be that different from the magic Maesters or Alchemists do, which has also suddenly become much more effective now that the dragons are back.

The old gods are a nature-based, animalistic religion

I was thinking “Luke on a fishing trip”, but Walmart shopping cart fetch and greeter works.

“He who dies with the most things wins.”

Much like the war between Judeo-Christian figures God and Lucifer, the belief is that R’hllor has been in an everlasting battle with the Great Other, an evil god of ice and death.

Er, you mean on the show? Because in the books, it’s pretty clearly implied that the Drowned God does have his prophet, and said prophet is deeply creepy.

Interesting that the criticism of Adrienne Bailon is centered on “kicking him when he is down.” Like, all these women who get in relationships with him are gold-diggers who take advantage of what? His shitty life circumstances?

I appreciate your dedication to investigative journalism. I can’t imagine how many rags you had to flip through for all of these extraordinary quotes.

There was a British mini-series based on his socks, which is pretty impressive.

It definitely reads as a paid plug than mockery. If it were the latter, as a poster above pointed, it would have said failed sock designer.

You know, now that I think about it a little more, there’s an argument to be made that most or all of the ASoIaF religions are just the various interpretations of fear in humans. Like the way horror movies and literature can be classified by the kind of fear they’re exploiting.

The Arthur George sock designer needs to get his shit together. I don’t know why anyone thinks he was duped or that Angela Kardashian White used him. Well ... anymore than he used her. He was fully on board with the scamming, when it was fun messing with and giving a fuck you to his family.

And yet, Arthur George socks, which were marketed through Neiman Marcus, no longer exist on their website. So much for that “activity”:

Beautiful? Yes. Novel? Not so much.

Bought the wife a lazy-suzan and a tupperware tub. She puts water in the tub makes cleanup a snap!

The old gods are a nature-based, animalistic religion.

You can make an argument that all of the magic associated with gods doesn’t necessarily need that god to exist for there still to be magic. The ritual that Thoros of Myr uses to revive Beric, for example, might be magic from a god - or might be just plain old magic that was codified into a religion.

Yeah, supernatural. The Seven’s power though is/was political or at least of this world. The Old gods and R’hllor have proven to have powers of a different nature. The power of the Seven was never via the direct quantifiable acts of gods.

Only supernaturally so. There are other kinds of power. The High Sparrow, at least, was utterly terrifying in his cunning, so much so you couldn’t tell when he was being sincere and when he was being manipulative. He only lost when he got cocky and backed Cirsei into a corner.