
I love the reaction this article has gotten, as if it is some massive shock that, yes, the fashion world is a shallow, competitive industry designed to push over priced clothes that no one needs, enforce insane physical beauty standards, and value “artistic spirit” over practicality or sustainability.

Speaking of hard to verify stories with well-known pictures...

Very, very cool to get the actual story behind the photo. I’ve definitely seen it bandied about here and there over the years, and while my friends and I did a great many things with duct tape in the 90's as teenagers—particularly on marching band trips—none of us ever tried taping someone to an i-beam for a LAN party.

“what if I wore a blouse with long sleeves but each sleeve said “grab em by the pussy” on it?”

I live in Germany. Our water system and the treatment plants wouldn’t be able to handle the kind of waste that people would send down the drain if they had garbage disposals.

How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?

Praise be motherfuckers.

They should have cast a gay guy with AIDS.

Andrew, just because you look like Tony Perkins, doesn’t make you spiritually bisexual or gay or whatever the fuck you’re on about.

Yes, he is very wrong for not delivering a dissertation covering the breadth of the topic during this interview.

My god, the “famous person says something fundamentally supportive in an imperfect* way so let’s shit on him” genre has to die.

I find the in-store shopping helps me with my conflict resolution skills. So far I’ve managed to hold back on punching out the outstanding humans wearing MAGA hats/shirts/fanny packs at Lowe’s and Target. That’s a positive.

Kendall’s dress is some Deanna Troi bullshit and I am HERE FOR IT.

I thought they never ever leave a tree!

Iggy Azalea and Azealia Banks

That’s because you haven’t yet seen the Bubble Borg facelook. Feast!

It’s on my to do list now - right after I have sex with John Mayer and get a bra that shoots whip cream.

Is Katy Perry really such a role model that mobs of Australian kids are going to encourage their dogs to attack koalas? Really?

Isn’t the revised script a dig at Johnny Depp and Amber Heard?