
Chicago is a very blue city headed by a guy who worked for Obama. Racially insensitive or misguided policies (as well as police brutality and torture and coverups, which Chicago has had a problem with for decades) can and do exist entirely independent of Trump and Trump’s influence. Blaming this on Trump and right

I really felt like the pan to Theon was that it was about both of them and not showing it was the choice to avoid being gratuitous. Would you rather they stayed on her the whole time? I wouldn’t.

I think the best critique of this scene isn’t that Sansa was raped, but that Jon Snow and Sam Tarley were not. You know, because this show is all about “realism” but male rape doesn’t exist because the audience would feel uncomfortable with dudes being raped on screen.

Now playing

I’ve never understood this complaint. She was just turned 18 and the director knew her since she was 12. Of course they didn’t want to film her being brutally raped.

It’s a fair argument that, once she was trapped with Ramsay, there was no avoiding that fate. Ramsay was such a grotesque, malicious and sadistic character that the only way to escape it would have been to never put her in the same room with him in the first place (which is something they admittedly had the power to

It wasn’t gratuitous. It was directly from the book. Except the book disgustingly made it a non-POV character and it was all about Theon’s redemption saving a girl everyone forgot about from the first book. All of those chapters are how tortured poor Reek is having to watch a girl being raped by dogs.


so i had a JS moment a few months ago. i asked Mr Pooslie what oatmeal was made from and if it was made from barley.

thoughts and prayers.

Taylor occasionally takes breaks from the public eye to avoid being overexposed. She overstayed her welcome after 1989, so she’s back in the batcave living her best life. The Kanye Tapes confirmed that she knows EXACTLY what she’s doing because she mention being “thisclose to being over-exposed right now” and after

Smoked tuna chicken.

No, they’ve essentially instituted a Chicago-specific draft.

This seems like one of those ideas that someone pitched to the Mayor as a splashy policy that would generate a lot of “tough love” good publicity, but lord will it have massive amounts of unforeseen (or completely foreseeable from some peoples’ points of view) consequences. For instance; disabled children won’t get a

Well, that’s just stupid.

I know, I can’t believe it’s only been 12 months since I did not believe that Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston were dating.

Yeah, its not the “fun” a lot of people (self included) had issues with, it was the over-the-top staging PR machine that her world had become. Read as if everything was done for the ‘Gram, not for the love of fun or #Merica. I don’t for a second doubt that she is still having fun, we just don’t have evidence of it

Hmm I see your point but I’m inclined to believe that last year’s festivities were 95% professional photoshoot and 5% actual fun. Everything was SO staged. I bet there were contracts.

It looks like my Dad AirBnB’d T. Swift’s place with his buddies for the Holiday weekend

I’m glad he read it because

Me on the Celine Dion post: