
The Mississippi SOS literally to Kobach to “go jump in the Gulf of Mexico.”

“If Republican Senators are unable to pass what they are working on now, they should immediately REPEAL”

Donald’s REPEAL/RREPLACE tweet is patently absurd. That’s not how healthcare works, dummy. It’s like a doctor saying I’m going to do open heart surgery now, but I’ll sew you up in a couple of months.

Rumi should have been named “Dame” then, or “Madam.” Celebrities are weird.

Somewhat related, I have been singing Valley Girl to my little pup because I took her to get her nails clipped. Just the line, “A pair of jeans to fit her butt and a place to get her toenails cut” My husband doesn’t know Frank Zappa so he thinks I am just singing this to her and he is kind of into it.

because most parents have to think to themselves “how will this name look on a resume?” and others..don’t

I don’t want kids, but if I had a son, he’d be John.

Or someone calls him “sir” and he thinks they’re being way too familiar.

What else are you supposed to name a kid who will be hanging around with Saint?

What happens when he is hanging out and waiters etc use the “sir” to other people? Having your name be “generic thing men get called” would be wicked annoying.

“That’s Mister Sir to you!”

“Hey, now: we’re all friends here. No need to be so formal. You don’t need to call me sir. Just call me Sir.”

She does have a type, but knows who to reproduce with in order to give her kid the right looks. (Not that Orlando’s a pauper or anything, but still...he’s no billionaire.) ;)

I posted on Tumblr my love for niecy in claws on Tumblr and it was reblogged like 50 times and liked 10 times. A record for me. I’ve never had a post reblogged. Even once. I got all woozy on the power. Nice while it lasted.

They flat out have been unable or unwilling to hire enough people to run the place. They’re trapped in a paranoia cycle where their own reluctance to hire anyone not personally loyal has limited their options until long after the time when people were willing to take the job and give things a chance. Coupled with

I think there’s more pressure to change, the worse things are. So, countries like Germany, which were among the first to give any rights at all to gay couples, don’t feel as much impetus to change things as countries that still had no rights at all.

Angela Merkel, the saviour of Western democracy, voted against gay marriage? I did nazi that coming Anne Frankly, I’m offended by her vote.

It’s actually never been confirmed that Rachel Roy is Becky, or even that there is just one woman who is Becky.

In case you don’t have Tidal, an iHeart Radio station will play the whole thing every two hours. Next chance to listen is 12pm ET.

I’m using that on my husband when he gets home. I’ll report back as to how successful it was.