
You don’t need a spouse, just a friend who for some reason you must consider/listen to his/her advice especially when it comes to style even though he/she will not be living with you! Its ok if you don’t like open floor plans, your friend just has to love open floor plans and you both need to take your hate/love for

I keep thinking when I watch these shows “they have these things called apartments.”

...and I always want to SMACK David.

I look forward to future spinoff called Yes, I Was Born In A Barn: Vermont.

This is important for people to know: you’re not native american if you’re not an accepted member of a tribe and don’t participate in community events. No matter what your ancestry is. He could genuinely be 25% native genetically, but if he has never taken the time to learn the culture and dedicated himself to

i thought i knew everything and then i see clay aiken’s face down there and the world stopped spinning for a second i mean i had no idea i cannot believe i had no idea

Dude needs to keep it in his pants. Jesus Christ, it’s like GoT.


This is... amazing. A lesson in contemporary dynasty building

There are 2 mystery marriages there?

Does she stand up? Sit in a chair? Hang from the ceiling? What???

I was hoping there would be something about David Foster and Kris Jenner in this dirtbag so I could post this flow chart. It’s really a thing of beauty.

The secret about cool Pope is that he is an equivalent of a middle aged Conservative dad from middle America in the year 2000. Which is to say he is in fact not that cool at all but because he acts slightly more progressive than previous Popes (my previous description applies to them as well, but they were at best

Your description of the Catholic Church is: outdated, inaccurate, and a fun house mirror distortion of reality.

Australia knew he was guilty the second he fled to Rome. Too sick to fly home my butt, he was healthy enough to scarper when people first started talking.

I’d imagine it’s because they think the woman should work up until the point where she has her first kid, and then her job for the next 20-25 years is being mommy, a la the 1950's nuclear family ideal.

“a childfree getaway in Molokini,” an uninhabited islet that serves as a bird sanctuary where unauthorized landing is prohibited.
Good info on the TSA regulations though.

you sound like someone who lives in a mcmansion.

Damn, Piers gained £10 in his neck 

I love her drawing attention to columns that support nothing, almost as much as the terms “Pringles Can of Shame” and “Lawyer Foyer”.