I just bought a Zeppelin LZ129 about a month ago, very nice watch!
I just bought a Zeppelin LZ129 about a month ago, very nice watch!
Motorcyclist was nicer than me. You punch me in the face and push my girl, I’m taking my helmet* off and bashing you in the dome with it.
They do, he declined.
Wimbledon is prepared-they offered to let him borrow a jacket and tie; he declined.
Wimbledon offered to let him borrow one of their jackets and ties that they keep in the event a guest is not dressed appropriately, he turned it down.
Anyone who disagrees shall be sentenced to rehabilitation!
Because ‘Murica!
Haha, it means poop!
The Gen I Viper should be on this list. You can find clean examples for mid 20s. 1992s have jumped in price in the last year. Not a good DD, but a very fun car to drive.
Same with California.
He was the chosen one!
Nope! Haha
Honda Fit.
Flicked off? Like a booger?
Well then, according to your brilliant theory, the penny pinching rich would be driving the same 1992 Accord they bought used in 1999 for $3000.
Apparently, I’m the only one that thinks this thing is ugly.
This Monte Carlo ups the ante...it’s truly the best thing since sliced breed.
Dodge. See-Gen I and I I Viper.
Happens a lot in areas that commonly have fairly high wind-the wind catches the door when careless people swing it open, the wing flings it into the car parked into the adjacent spot. I’ve also seen shopping carts hauling some serious as across parking lots - talking 20 mph, that can also make major dings.
Who “restores” a 1998 7 Series? What’s it worth “restored,” 8k?