
The organizations our society rewards are those that reap the greatest profits. The rest are eventually swept under. Seeking profit above all else is both the most successful strategy and inherently evil, so... yes.


I’d be making a worse program, plain and simple. That’s the alternative that matches my budget, so I’m grateful that I don’t have to do that.

I make a podcast that extensively relies on the music of a single musician to foster a particular kind of atmosphere, which really helps my program feel like a slick production. I don’t have any idea who that artist is, except that I quite like his music.

So one of the prizes you can win is getting your money back? I can win that prize and hold on to my precious time.

What kind of metal is it, though? Seems like a rather important detail to keep from the public.

Not to be confused with programming’s other rubber duck, a tool for dealing with middle management. (from WP):

Web searches, location services, all that stuff is getting catalogued all the time. But the big one is rewards programs, from Walgreens and your grocery store and whatever. It’s really easy to match the things you buy and where you buy them against your social media profiles. 

Oof. The Defunctland crowd has been predicting that Epcot would see an IP takeover pretty soon, and it looks like they were right. It’s great they’re not letting the park rot, but I’d rather not see more Maelstroms turning into Frozens.

I don’t know if I was supposed to find Diane so convincing, but I sure do.

Feral Hog Guy isn’t crazy because of the real problem of feral hogs, he’s crazy because he thinks a good solution is immediately blanketing his children’s play area with a hail of bullets.

I’m kind of amazed at the leap of logic being performed by actual scientists here. Even if there are risks associated with kratom use, does that really mean that prohibition is the best approach? I mean, it hasn’t worked for literally any other drug ever. Why should it work with this one?

Sort of along these lines, have they finally added a calendar when you click the time in the menu bar yet? Ridiculous that that’s only available via third party software.

WhatsApp learned of the hack earlier this month, and as of Monday, is urging users to update the app as a precaution.

This is accurate but that doesn’t make it something good, or even something worth tolerating.

I know what you mean. Except I married a woman who’s of a similar mind to me, which is basically: don’t think about it. It works really well, until an article like this one gets you to think about it!

Every Sunday, I wage a war on my fitted sheet as I attempt to put it on my mattress, struggling to fit it around one corner as it pops off another.

Yeah man. Talking animals in Africa.

I think 2019 might be the better movie, but 1994 really had the cat animations down, damn.

As a company profits more and more, it becomes less capable of taking risks. The company needs to please shareholders, which fosters inherently conservative decisions in the pursuit of reliable profits.